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The 2.6 Challenge

The 2.6 Challenge

Published on 23 April 2020 11:09 AM

The coronavirus pandemic has changed life for everyone, but some older people are among the hardest hit. Age UK Surrey is determined to be there during this crisis - but we can't do it without support. Demand for our vital services is increasing rapidly. Please help us be there for older people who desperately need us during this crisis and in the future.  



What is the 2.6 Challenge?

The 2.6 Challenge has been put together by some of the largest mass participation sporting events organisers (London Marathon, Human Race, London Landmarks). As all events are either cancelled or postponed they wanted to create an alternative way for people to support their chosen charities. The name comes from the marathon being 26 miles and was due to take place on 26th April.

We're asking if you would like to take on a challenge on 26th April based on the number 2.6 and ask your friends and contacts to give sponsorship to Age UK Surrey .  There are no rules - apart from the Government guidelines on how to exercise safely during this time.  


The main thing is to have fun and pledge whatever you can to help Age UK Surrey support older people across Surrey who need help.  


Here are a few challenge suggestions to get you started or you can think of your own:
Toss a pancake 26 times in a row
Do 260 press ups 
Sing 26 songs in 26 minutes
Bake 26 cakes in a week
Read 26 books in 2.6 months
Run or cycle 2.6 miles as your daily exercise
Walk up and down stairs as many times as you can in 26 minutes
Do as many keepie-uppies as you can in 26 minutes
Hold a plank for 2.6 minutes
Hold a 26-hour sponsored silence
Draw 26 rainbows
Run, walk, jump or hop 26 laps of your garden dressed in fancy dress
Build the biggest lego tower in 2.6 minutes
In your family see who can put on 26 items of clothing the fastest

Once you've decided on your challenge, please ask your contacts, friends and family to make a donation to Age UK Surrey.

All they need to do

is click on the link which will take them to our Justgiving page: