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The Living Well Link Service

  • Location: Age UK Sunderland
  • Price: Free
Call 07710 095553 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Sunderland - Head Office's catchment area.

There is a dedicated Living Well Link worker in each Community Integrated Team (CIT) linking older people with multiple health conditions to services within their local community.

The Living Well Link service provides older people with support to promote health and wellbeing whilst reducing loneliness and isolation to those with complex needs.

The aim of the Living Well Link Service is to enable older people to be in control of their personal health and wellbeing. Living Well Link Workers work closely with Community Matrons, District Nurses and Social workers within the integrated teams to ensure older people with long term health issues receive personalised, integrated care and support to live independent lives. Within the teams there is also support for carers via Sunderland Carers Centre.

What is integrated care?

Integrated care is a way of coordinating health and social care services to make sure they are tailored to the person’s needs. This dedicated social prescribing service is aimed particularly at those with complex and long term health problems. Integrated Care brings together voluntary, health and social care organisations across Sunderland to ensure older people are control of their health to help independence and quality of life.

The Target Group?

The Integrated Teams will be working to support the older people living in Sunderland who meet the following criteria: ◾Older people who are 65+ and have 2 or more complex health conditions ◾ Older people with long term conditions, mainly focused on one condition and have less varied and complex needs.

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