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Our committment to the Charity Quality Standards (CQS) recognises the high standard of our performance as an organisation. It certifies that we are a well-governed and effective organisation committed to the wellbeing of older people, our staff and volunteers and to working in partnership with others. The Standards are externally assessed by industry leaders SGS and endorsed by the Charity Commission.

EN ISO 9001: 2015 is an additional quality standard we undertake which provides a framework and set of principles that ensure a common sense approach to effectively managing our organisations to satisfy customers and other stakeholders. The standard is externally assessed by Globalgroup a leading provider of assessments, inspection, certification services and training. 

Quality Policy

Age UK Sunderland is a registered charity whose mission is to promote the well-being of all older people throughout the City of Sunderland, improve their quality of life and help them maintain independence. 

Age UK Sunderland view Quality as an essential organisational framework to gain a competitive advantage, as well as reinforcing and enhancing the organisation’s reputation and image. 

We are dedicated to giving our service users, funders and interested parties quality services by fully understanding and meeting their requirements where ever possible providing added value. 

In order to achieve this Age UK Sunderland are committed to a continuous improvement culture throughout the organisation based on stated organisational objectives, the EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard and Age UK  Organisational Quality Standards. We commit to the continual review and improvement of the quality management system. 

Age UK Sunderland conduct an analysis of their operational and strategic risks, client requirements and statutory and regulatory requirements, from this objectives and key performance indicators are established to mitigate risk and enhance service user satisfaction.

Tracy Collins

Tracy Collins



28th June 2018

To find out more about our OQS certification, please contact us.

Age UK Charity Quality Standard