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Quiet, calm space created for carers and their loved ones as Sunderland Royal Hospital answers call for change!

Published on 24 September 2024 08:19 AM

A quiet waiting room has been created for people with dementia and their carers in Sunderland Royal Hospital’s A&E department after the hospital took on board feedback from carers of people with dementia.

Chris Cairns, a Nurse Consultant for Older Persons with South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, the Essence Service, which is a part of Age UK Sunderland, supporting people with mild to moderate dementia and their carers and Healthwatch Sunderland teamed up to share their feedback about A&E visits.    

Chris attended the carers sessions held at the Essence Service to hear about their experiences first hand. Listening to their concerns, how they struggled to support their loved ones whilst at the A&E department, how the waiting area could be overwhelming because of the number of people waiting, the noise and length of time they had to wait. They also said they would benefit from ways to help pass the time.

Carers also explained a number of people are incontinent and when there is an emergency they don’t always have supplies to hand.

Chris took on board carers feedback and immediately began work to implement change and to deliver this new, quiet and calming space, which is anticipated to open mid-October 2024.

  • A dedicated quiet space for dementia patients and their carers to wait in the A&E department. It has comfortable seating, is beautifully and calmly decorated.
  • It has a cabinet filled with games and books to keep people occupied and distracted while they wait.
  • The room is close to the main A&E clinical areas and has a buzzer fitted to alert staff should assistance be required.

  • Dedicated male and female toilet facilities have been allocated, which are locked, carers will be given a key to access them while they are waiting in the designated room with their loved ones.
  • A trolley containing supplies of various incontinence products is to be situated at the A&E triage desk for people to access when and if required.
  • Chris is going to facilitate Dementia training over the coming month to all A&E staff, to raise awareness of the condition and how best to support Dementia patients and their carers whilst in the department.

  • Posters will be displayed in the A&E department to tell people to highlight to staff if they would like to access the quite room. 

The Essence team along with Healthwatch Sunderland had the pleasure of visiting the new dementia friendly waiting room and were delighted with the space.

Pictured above from left to right - Nicole Mysleyko, Activity Facilitator (Age UK Sunderland), Lyn Crawford Phase 2 Carer Navigator (Age UK Sunderland), Angela Newton, Essence Manager (Age UK Sunderland), Joyce Jude, Carer/Volunteer (Age UK Sunderland), Chris Cairns, Nurse Consultant for Older Persons (South Tyneside & Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, George Hackett, Carer/Volunteer (Age UK Sunderland), Wendy Hadlington, Engagement Officer (Healthwatch), Anna Gillingham, Project Lead (Healthwatch).

George Hackett, a carer, and volunteer, who attends the Essence Service was among those who visited the A&E department to see the improvements.

He said: “I think it’s absolutely great and what Chris has done has far exceeded what we thought it would be like. This is superb, it’s really calming and beautiful.”

Chris said: “We’ve set it up with people who have dementia in mind and I’m really pleased the carers have given it their approval.”

Carers who attend the Essence Service commended Chris and nominated him for a Healthwatch Star Award, the carers said: “He enthusiastically fulfilled our requests, listened to us and acted on our feedback.”

It’s not a job for him it's a vocation! He gives straight answers to our questions, and we have found out more from him about our wives' medications than anyone else.  He is not shy to share his knowledge.”   

“Chris is sensitive to other people's point of view, he is approachable and impressive.”

“He doesn't give empty promises - he is not a yes man!  He is knowledgeable and honest - he goes the extra mile.”

Anna from Healthwatch had the honour of presenting Chris with their Star Award on 18th September 2024 alongside carers, and volunteers, who attend the Essence Service, George Hackett and Joyce Jude who were among those who had nominated him.

In response to receiving the Star Award, Chris said: “I am absolutely honoured to receive the award. Its days like this that make it all worthwhile. Thank you so much for today I had no idea. I am pleased the visit went well and hope this is just the start of things to come. I felt I got as much out of visiting the Essence group as the carers did from me. It was so useful to listen to their perception of services and to be able to change the care we deliver to help address concerns. I look forward to our continued cooperation to keep pushing services forward.”

Tracy Collins, CEO of Age UK Sunderland said:  This is a fantastic development in the support of people with dementia and their carers across the City.  The dementia friendly waiting area facility will result in a more accessible relaxed environment reducing barriers to health care for this often marginalised group.  A special thank you to all partners involved in this ground breaking initiative.

More details of the Essence Service, which has been running for a decade, offering support and advice to people diagnosed with a mild to moderate dementia and their carers, and welcomes guest speakers to its sessions can be found through:

Telephone the Essence Service on 0191 522 1310

More details on the support available to patients with dementia and their loved ones through the Trust can be found through its Dementia Care page:

Healthwatch Sunderland is part of a national network which helps people share their views about health and social care. More information can be found through: