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Age UK Sunderland Launches the Age Friendly Alliance to Promote Age Inclusivity

Published on 17 September 2024 12:54 PM

Age UK Sunderland Launches the Age Friendly Alliance to Promote Age Inclusivity

In a move to advance age inclusivity, Age UK Sunderland today announced the launch of the Age Friendly Alliance (AFA), a broad initiative aimed at supporting age-friendly environments throughout Sunderland. An integral part of this initiative, the Employer's Charter, specifically targets the integration of the older workforce into the local economy.

About the AFA and the Employer's Charter

The AFA represents a holistic approach to making Sunderland a model city for all ages, focusing on various sectors such as SMEs, large corporations, charities, healthcare facilities and educational institutions. The Employer's Charter is a dedicated component of the AFA that invites local businesses to pledge to create workplaces where older employees are not only employed but are also valued and supported.

The Need for the Employer's Charter

With the demographic shifts towards an aging population, Sunderland faces unique challenges and opportunities. According to the 2021 Census, just over 20% of Sunderland’s population is aged 65 and above. A further 22% are aged between 50 and 64. In Sunderland, economic inactivity is higher for older workers, 33.7% of those aged 50-64 (For 16-64yrs overall 24.9%) (Sunderland City Council).

The Employer's Charter provides a framework for businesses to adapt and become leaders in age inclusivity.

Benefits of Joining

  • Recognition: Members will be acknowledged as forward-thinking leaders in social responsibility.
  • Support and Resources: Gain access to training, networking, and promotional activities that support age-friendly business practices.
  • Community Impact: Play a pivotal role in shaping a community that values contributions from older individuals.

Older Workers are good for business. Firms with a 10% higher share of workers ages 50+ are 1.1% more productive (OECD)

Age UK Sunderland encourages all local businesses to embrace this initiative. By participating in the AFA and adopting the Employer's Charter, businesses can significantly enhance their operational capabilities and community impact.

For more information on how to join and make your mark, please contact


To download the Age Friendly Alliance Brochure please click here:

Age Friendly Alliance Brochure