Grand Opening of Age UK Sunderland’s Metcalfe Dementia Support Centre
Published on 24 February 2020 02:46 PM
Vital support now available for people living with dementia in the City.

Pictured above from left to right, The Chair of Age UK Sunderland Graeme Miller, the Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor David Snowdon, the Mayoress Councillor Dianne Snowdon and the Director of Age UK Sunderland Tracy Collins.
Age UK Sunderland’s new Dementia Support Centre was declared officially open by the Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor David Snowdon and his Mayoress Councillor Dianne Snowdon on Monday 24th February at Lee Terrace, Houghton Le Spring DH5 0AQ.
The dementia development in Hetton was launched after major gaps in dementia day service support was identified across the city and will be a lifeline for many people living with dementia and their carers.
The service will give much needed day centre support to people living with a moderate dementia diagnosis, the centre has been beautifully renovated with a vibrant dementia friendly design. The service will focus on providing high quality support delivered by its trained and competent staff.
The Metcalfe Dementia Support Centre will complement Age UK Sunderland’s Essence Service which is the dementia hub for Sunderland and holds the Stirling University’s Dementia Friendly Design Gold standard award.
Graeme Miller the Chair of Age UK Sunderland commented “We are very proud of the new development which will support people in the moderate stage of their dementia diagnosis. Dementia rates are rising and Age UK Sunderland is committed to providing good quality services to try and meet rising demand for support”.
Tracy Collins, Director at Age UK Sunderland said: “Our new dementia support service offers dedicated support Monday to Friday at the day centre, providing a wide range of activities for people living with dementia and much needed respite for their carers.
The new renovated centre is vibrant and stimulating with a fantastic sensory garden and is a lovely place to support people at an often difficult phase in their lives”.
If you would like more information about the Metcalfe Dementia Support service please contact the Centre on 0191 5269274 or email or contact Age UK Sunderland’s Bradbury Centre on 0191 5141131 or email