
We rely on volunteers to help us offer vital services in our local community.
Why volunteer with Age UK Stockport? How much time do I need to volunteer? What skills do I need to be a volunteer? |
Meet Jim, one of our volunteers Jim, helps to run our walking football sessions, a coffee morning and is also a volunteer on the telephone befriending service. |
- Organised
- Problem solving
- Customer service
- Teamwork
You could help us to provide vital information and advice to older people in Stockport by volunteering for our Info & Advice service.
Or you could support our Reception team by responding to callers, signposting clients and assisting with basic enquiries in a non-client facing role.
- Friendly
- Good listener
- Empathetic
- Chatty!
By becoming a Befriender, you can help an older person feel less lonely with regular phone calls or visits.
Help enable older people to get back out into the community and feel less isolated by supporting our Step Out team.
If you think you have a mixture of both skill sets, or if you just want to try something different, why not volunteer for Events Engagement?
Planning, preparing and carrying out a range of varied events and activities for Age UK Stockport, Events Engagement offers particularly flexible volunteering opportunities.
If you have any questions about volunteering, please email us:
What we can offer you in return…
- A rewarding experience supporting the older people in your community
- The opportunity to make new friends and have fun!
- Awards and recognition
- Initial and on-going training
- Regular support and supervisor sessions
- Claim out of pocket expenses
- Enhance your CV
Who can I contact to discuss volunteering with Age UK Stockport?
You can either use the “Apply to volunteer” button at the top of this page or get in touch using the details below:
Roisin Lynch—Volunteer Manager