Our Events will be updated in the New Year
Guidelines for Digital Event
To make sure you get the most from these groups, here are some basic guidelines to ensure it’s a positive experience for all.
- When logging onto the zoom meeting, make sure you are logged in under your own name so we know who you are and can let you in.
- During the meeting try not to speak all at once, raise your hand so we know you want to say something.
- If there are too many people talking the host will hold up a red card so one person at a time can talk.
- Remember to mute your audio when not speaking to avoid background noise.
- This is your group so please feel free to share your positive stories and ideas for discussion.
- To ensure the group is a positive experience for all please avoid using any language or terminology which may offend others. The host may ask you to leave the group if necessary.
- Please respect the confidentiality of others by not sharing personal information outside the group.
- The host may be required to report anything where they feel an individual may be of risk to themselves or others.
Thank You for your co-operation.