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Carers Consultation Survey

Published on 08 December 2020 09:48 AM

There are approximately 32,000 people in Stockport who are providing unpaid care for a person who could not cope without their support due to illness, disability, a mental health condition or an addiction.  The current COVID-19 pandemic has also put significant additional pressure on carers. 

Up until now Stockport Council has commissioned a Mental Health Carer Support Service through Stockport Mind to those caring for adults aged 18 and over with mental illness and distress. The service provides interventions including information and advice, statutory assessments when required, setting up and reviewing care plans and support services.

There are currently no formal services commissioned within Stockport for adult carers who are looking after someone with conditions outside of mental health.  Carers are however able to access the preventative services including the Prevention Alliance and the Wellbeing and Independence Networks.

Signpost for Carers are currently delivering a pilot carrying out statutory carers assessments to carers approaching adult social care, and to those coming directly to Signpost itself. 

To help support adult carers Stockport Council are looking to develop and deliver a Stockport Carers service that will meet the needs of all unpaid carers across Stockport regardless of the illness or disability of the person they care for. In order to do this the Council first need to find out from you what your needs are and what you would like to see in a carer’s service in Stockport. Stockport Council would like to hear from all residents those who are carers, those no longer in a caring role and those who’ve not had any carer responsibilities

The survey is open until Monday 4th January 2021.

Carers Consultation Survey