The CompasseHub

- Location: Age UK South Lakeland
- Price: Free
Telephone: 030 300 30003
Compass is a ground-breaking way of linking the Third Sector, Social Care, and Health together to provide a connected and holistic service for the residents of Cumbria.
Compass Helpline
Our Helpline acts as a one-stop shop for independent information and advice for anyone in Cumbria aged 50 and over. Where a client could benefit from more assistance, we arrange a home visit by one of our Case Workers to provide face-to-face support and complete a holistic assessment of needs - with our staff supporting people to improve their health and wellbeing while maintaining their independence.
To contact our Helpline - for anyone who is aged 50 and over - call: 030 300 30003
Dedicated and specialist officers take each call in confidence. We’ll make sure that everything’s covered so that you get the right information and advice. Plus, we’re often able to give answers and solutions there and then. We get calls about a huge variety of topics and we deal with hundreds of different questions. If needed, we’ll arrange for one of our case workers to make a follow-up call. Or we might decide, together, that it would be better for a partnership organisation to get in touch.
• General Well-Being: Helping tackle feelings of depression or loneliness; feeling worried or struggling to relax; dealing with bereavement.
• Income & Employment: checking people are claiming all the benefits to which they are entitled, helping with money management.
• Housing: Help and advice for those who are struggling to manage their home or feel unsafe.
• Social Isolation: For those who feel unhappy with the level of contact they have with friends and family or who need help accessing local activities.
• Leaving Hospital: Making sure people are safe and supported in the first few weeks after they leave hospital.
• Health: Reducing the risk of falling at home, general health advice and help with staying fit and active.
• Aids & Adaptations: Equipment or minor adaptation needs in the home to help with mobility / daily living.
Compass Resources
All of our leaflets and guides are stored on CompasseHub. It is an information sharing website used by most of the third sector organisations in South Cumbria, so you are bound to find the information you need. Click the link below to go to the Compass eHub, then simply select your area and/or the relevant tab from the menu to find the information you are looking for.
To find out more, please ring our helpline on 030 300 30003, or email
Age UK South Cumbria is in no way responsible for any person, agency or business on these lists or for the work carried out by them, and them being on this list does not constitute a recommendation from us.
Building Resilience
We're proud to be taking part in Age UK's Building Resilience project, supported by M&G Investments, giving in-depth information and advice to local older people about issues that really matter to them. This project has provided funding support for the CompasseHub, helping us to use the platform to provide the support that local older people need, as well as to identify the most-needed changes to help them enjoy their later life more.