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Work with us to provide social activities for older people in South Cumbria, including Lunch Clubs, Gentle Exercise classes & more!

Sign up to volunteer now

Activity groups are a great way for older people to re-engage with their communities, socialise, stay healthy, or just enjoy a hobby with a few likeminded friends. Age UK South Cumbria currently run a number of social or activity groups around South Cumbria, including many Lunch Clubs and Gentle Exercise classes. However, we are only able to provide these groups thanks to the dedication of volunteer Coordinators and Class Leaders who host or help us to organise these groups.

  • Provide a social activity for people in your local community.
  • Organise information, social or information hub events for older people in your area.
  • Host or coordinate events such as gentle exercise classes, lunch clubs, and more.

Activity Group Volunteer Roles

Contact us to find out more

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to talk to you further.