Sign Up for Gift Aid in Age UK South Lakeland Shops

Published on 27 January 2022 03:12 PM
Did you know that you can make items you donate to our Age UK South Lakeland shops worth even more, just by jotting down your name and address?
For every £1 of value that your donations represent, we can make an extra 25p when you sign up for Gift Aid. Because we gain this extra money by reclaiming the tax from the government, it doesn't cost you a penny extra! Last year, Gift Aid donations raised an amazing £101,610! This year we hope to increase that. Just think what a difference that could make to the lives of older people in the South Lakes!
What is Gift Aid?
If you're eligible, you can sign up for Gift Aid on all of your donations. All you have to do is provide us with a few basic details, which you can do quickly and easily at checkout at any of our shops! All we need are your name and address and a confirmation that you pay tax (any sort will do, including pensions, retirement annuities, and capital gains tax, etc.). We'll track how much your items sell for and every £1 they raise will be worth £1.25 to us - helping us to help more people in their later life! You can even Gift Aid your monetary donations too!
Once we have your details and know that you are eligible, we'll give you your own personal Donor ID card. Simply bring your card in whenever you donate anything to Age UK South Lakeland and we'll label them with a unique code, so that we can track how much they sell for and claim the Gift Aid tax back from the government.
For more information about how Age UK South Lakeland uses Gift Aid or our donations process, please contact us by phone on 01539 728118, or call our helpline on 030 300 30003!