Be a Good Cause Santa Claus with Age UK South Lakeland

Published on 29 November 2021 04:02 PM
This year, Age UK South Lakeland is partnering with the Charity Retail Association to promote their annual Christmas campaign #GoodCauseSantaClaus, encouraging shoppers to buy from charity shops this Christmas! As such, we are calling on our customers in the South Lakes to pledge to buy Christmas presents this year from charity shops!
Why Buy Your Christmas Gifts from Charity Shops?
Many people already prefer second-hand gifts rather than new products, as they are much more environmentally-conscious; every pre-loved gift is a gift that doesn't need to be manufactured and shipped across the world, and an item that doesn't otherwise go to waste! Plus, when you buy second-hand from one of our charity shops, you're supporting our important work in the community at the same time!
Age UK South Lakeland has seven charity shops and Superstores across the South Lakes. Plus, you can also buy our second-hand items on BuyCharity, the UK's leading online charity shop. 100% of the proceeds from BuyCharity come back to us at Age UK South Lakeland, so it's a great place to support us!
How to Take Part in #GoodCauseSantaClaus
To take part in the #GoodCauseSantaClaus campaign, you simply need to buy gifts second-hand from one of our charity shops. Then, you can use this Charity Shop Gift Insert to let the recipient know that their gift was more environmentally-friendly and bought to support our cause of helping older people in the South Lakes!