Where Would You Like to be Cared For in South Lakeland?

Published on 03 December 2021 09:12 AM
Where would you like to be cared for? Have your say on the future of community-based adult healthcare services in South Lakeland.
Morecambe Bay Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), together with its partners, is inviting members of the public, staff, patients and carers to have their say on proposed changes to the way care is provided for people in South Lakeland.
These changes relate to those who need more support than can currently be provided by GPs or district nurses, but who don't need to stay on an acute hospital ward. For example, after a fall, when recovering after surgery, or at the end of their lives. Since 2008, adults who needed this kind of care have been cared for on the Langdale Unit at Westmorland General Hospital, where 28 community beds have been available.
However, feedback from healthcare professionals, patients and experts in caring for older people shows that hospital isn't always the right place for these patients to recover.
The CCG is therefore proposing to reinvest the £3 million per year cost of running the Langdale Unit into recruiting 36 additional nurses, physios and occupational therapists in the community. This would mean more community nursing staff and rapid response and frailty services to enable older people to remain close to their homes and communities while avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions. The proposals also include commissioning care homes and some community accommodation for people if home isn't the right place for them to rehabilitate.
However, no decisions have yet been made and the CCG is now inviting local people and organisations to have their say on four potential models of delivering care:
You can read the full public consultation document and complete the online survey here.
The public consultation will run until Friday the 31st of December, 2021.
If you would like to receive a paper copy of the consultation document or require it in any other formats, please contact engagement.morecambebayccg@nhs.net or call 01524 519369.