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Age UK South Cumbria’s commitment to equality and diversity    

Age UK South Cumbria recognises that every person is an individual with different needs, preferences and abilities.  We value difference and welcome diversity - both in our workforce and in our services. We want to ensure that:

  • Our services meet the needs of older people in the different communities of South Cumbria. 
  • Everyone who needs our services is able to access them.       
  • Information is available in different formats, as appropriate. 
  • Everyone who uses our services is treated fairly, with courtesy, respect and dignity.
  • No one using our services suffers any form of discrimination – on the grounds of gender, nationality, colour, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion or belief. 

If you would like a copy of our Equality and Diversity Policy, please telephone 01539 728118

Talk to us 

If you ever feel that you have been treated unfairly by Age UK South Cumbria, or experienced any form of discrimination, or if you are dissatisfied with the service provided, we would like to hear from you.  

We would also like you to tell us if we are doing something well.  

Your views are very important to us and help us to make sure that the services we provide are right for you and your community. If you have any comments, compliments or complaints, please write to the Chief Executive at Age UK South Cumbria. Or telephone 01539 728118.

Click on the links below to download the pdf's

Age UK South Lakeland Commitment to Equality and Diversity - for service users - pdf 

Age UK South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Policy - pdf

Contact us to find out more

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to talk to you further.