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Information and Advice

Age UK South Gloucestershire service

We offer free information and advice for older people, carers and family members, including on welfare benefits provided by our specialist advisers

Age UK South Gloucestershire

Activity Day Centre

Age UK South Gloucestershire service

Our person-centred and specialised activities programme offers a two-course lunch and accessible transport for older people at venues across South Gloucestershire.

Turnberries, Bath Road


Age UK South Gloucestershire service

Befriending support both in person and on the phone for older people who are lonely and struggle to leave their home. Friendly volunteers provide a weekly call and catch up or a bit of company.

Age UK South Gloucestershire


Age UK South Gloucestershire service

The Reconnect service supports older people experiencing loneliness to help them to connect with new friends in their community

Age UK South Gloucestershire

Digital Inclusion Programme

Age UK South Gloucestershire service

Our Digital Support Service is available to support anyone over the age of 50 living in South Gloucestershire who would like to know how to access the internet, use new technology, stay connected or access vital services.

Age UK South Gloucestershire

Improving Homes & Wellbeing

Age UK South Gloucestershire service

This is a pilot project between South Gloucestershire Council and Age UK South Gloucestershire to help and support homeowners whose homes have fallen into disrepair.

Age UK South Gloucestershire

Will Writing

Age UK South Gloucestershire service

Age UK South Gloucestershire offers a free will writing service in conjunction with Wards Solicitors.

Age UK South Gloucestershire

Walking Groups

Age UK South Gloucestershire service

Our new group walks are perfect for people who have not taken part in excercise for some time, are nervous about walking alone or don't yet feel ready to join a Walking Well programme

Age UK South Gloucestershire
