Will Writing

- Location: Age UK South Gloucestershire
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK South Gloucestershire - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK South Gloucestershire offers a free will writing service in conjunction with Wards Solicitors.
Who is the service for?
Too many people overlook the need for a will and this oversight can cause great distress at an already difficult time. Writing a will is especially important if you have children or other family who depend on you financially, or if you want to leave something to people outside your immediate family.
What does the service offer?
This service is offered every month by appointment.
How much does the service cost?
The service is free of charge; although a donation is always gratefully received.
How do I access the service?
Please contact Age UK South Gloucestershire on 01454 411707 (Option 1) to make an appointment.