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We're a local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.

Who we are

Age UK South Gloucestershire is an independent local charity. We've been working in the local community to help older people for 20 years. We have 25 dedicated staff and over 150 volunteers helping us to deliver services and activities for older people in South Gloucestershire. We are proud to have achieved the Organisational Quality Standards certification for local Age UKs in England.

Where you can find us

Our main office is based in Thornbury (67 High Street) and there is a Age UK national charity shop in Kingswood, Bristol.

How we are funded

We rely on your support to keep serving the community. We are supported by donations from the public, income from our charity shop, and some charitable grants.

What we do

  • What you need to know about carbon monoxide (CO)

    Wales and West Utilities are working in partnership with Age UK South Gloucestershire to promote awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning.

    To find out more please click the title

  • Become a Priority Customer

    Wales and West Utilities are working in partnership with Age UK South Gloucestershire to promote the Priority Services Register (PSR).

    To find out more please click the title

Meet our people

  • Our staff

    We have a team of 25 dedicated staff members, helping us to deliver information and advice, benefits checks, befriending and activity day centres. 

  • Our volunteers

    Our services couldn't run without the help of our amazing volunteer team. We have over 150 volunteers helping us throughout the week. Find out more about our volunteers and how you can become a volunteer too.

    Find out about volunteering