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Helping you to find out what is happening in your local community and beyond!

This is not an exhaustive guide, but provides suggestions which we hope will help you find activities in your area.

Find a club, group or social activity

We have collated an information directory below for a variety of clubs, groups and organisations that you may be interested in - click on a heading to expand it and show the lists/external links under that category.

If you have trouble using the list of searches and links below then please contact us and we will try to provide the information another way.


The results that are produced by the following searches are for information only. Age UK Wiltshire does not recommend any of the organisations or services that will appear in the searches below, nor do we recommend the search providers. If you follow a link you will be taken to an external website, the content of which Age UK Wiltshire is not responsible for. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.

Can't find what you are looking for?

If you want to know what is going on in your community you might also try the following:

  • Town, parish and church newsletters and websites are a good place to look for current information
  • The council websites have databases of activities Wiltshire Council and Swindon's My Care My Support have a directory of clubs and groups.
  • Wiltshire Together is a place where you can find out about local activites, events, groups and volunteering opportunities.
  • Your local library can be an invaluable source of local information and may also host activities.
    • Your town may have a Wiltshire Our Community Matters page which is like an online noticeboard for clubs and events.
    • Word of mouth is often a good source of local information and friends, family or a neighbour may be able to recommend something from their own experiences
    • Charities related to particular health conditions (e.g. Stroke Association) may have local activities and support groups in your area

WoW - What's on When

The What’s on When (WoW) Guide highlights some of the activities that are currently available in the local area (mainly for older adults), and through ‘The Directory’ at the rear of the guide signposts some of the organisations and websites that provide help and support, to older adults and their family and carers.

View the latest WOW Guide