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We are proud to have achieved the Age UK Charity Quality Standard (CQS) which recognises the high standard of our performance as an organisation. 

Our achievement of the Age UK Charity Quality Standard recognises the high standard of our performance as an organisation.  It certifies that our organisation is well governed and managed; has a clear direction and strategy; and is committed to ensuring the well-being and safety of older people, our staff and volunteers.

The Standard is demanding and only awarded to members of the Age UK network that have demonstrated they are well governed and managed; have a clear direction and strategy; and are committed to ensuring the well-being and safety of older people, their staff and volunteers.

We achieved the Standard following a rigorous examination of our work and processes. 

To find out more about our Age UK Charity Quality Standard certification, please contact Kate Brooks, Operations Manager on 07931 758401.

CQS logo

Age UK Southampton has achieved the Age UK Charity Quality Standard (CQS).  The CQS is externally assessed by quality assessment experts, SGS.


Advice Quality Standard Award

Age UK Southampton’s Information & Advice service has been awarded the Advice Quality Standard (AQS). This quality mark is for organisations that provide advice to the public and have demonstrated that they are easily accessible, effectively managed and employ staff with the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of their clients.

Advice Quality Standard

Age UK Southampton’s Information & Advice Department is pleased to have met the demanding requirements of the AQS quality mark and have been assessed as providing a high-quality service. The AQS is owned by Advice Services Alliance and the assessment process is independently managed by Recognising Excellence.