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Age UK Somerset offers a free and confidential Information and Advice service for older people, their families and carers.

Age UK Somerset provides information and advice on a wide range of issues. We’ll provide you with the facts and you can make choices and decisions knowing you have reliable information.

What we can offer you:

  • We will give you information that is accurate and up-to-date
  • We can explain the choices you have.
  • We will help you decide what to do, but it is your choice.
  • If we can’t help, we will point you in the right direction.

For more information click here to view the I & A Statement of Service

How we work:

  • We will not charge you for our service
  • We will not tell anyone about your business without your permission unless it is required to protect your safety and wellbeing.
  • You can talk to us in private.
  • We will not discriminate, apply prejudice or make judgements about your life and what you want to do.
  • We will not be influenced by any other interests but yours.

Help with Benefits?

Do you need help with finding out which benefits you may be entitled to? Have you received a claim form that you'd like help to fill in?

How to access our Information and Advice service

  • Contact our Team in the Office

    We are open from 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
    To speak with one of our advisers:

    Alternatively, you may wish to call the Age UK national information line on (free phone) 0800 055 6112

    email us

  • Or visit our Team On the Road

    In the coming months if you’re looking for free Information and Advice you don’t have to come to our office, we are coming out to you! You will find our Information and Advice officers out and about in the community around Somerset and North Somerset. We’re there to provide useful information so please come along to say hello and ask your questions.

    No appointment is necessary, just come along. The service is free, confidential and for anyone over 60 in Somerset and North Somerset, as well as their families and those that care for them. If we don’t know the answer we will know someone who will!

    Learn more and see where the Team will be next

Information & Advice Feedback Form

Our Information and Advice Team would love to hear feedback from the people we interact with. If you have any comments, suggestions or indeed compliments about our service please let us know.

Free booklets and online information

Attendance Allowance Referrals

This form is for Professionals who want to refer a client. We are now asking professionals and other agencies to submit a request for Attendance Allowance help by completing a referral form rather than contacting us by email or telephone. This is to ensure we can provide the service required, and that we have all relevant information when the referral is made.

Could you help?

We rely on the help of Volunteers to provide this service. 

Would you be interested in joining the team?

Find out about Volunteering with this service

Emergency Telephone Contacts

Useful telephone contact numbers for emergencies


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