Help through Winter
Age UK Somerset is a partner in the 'Help Through Winter' programme.
The Household Support Fund ‘Help Through Winter’ programme is funded by Somerset Council, who is working alongside partners across education and the VCFSE sector to deliver essential support to families and residents.

If you are worried about your finances this winter we can help.
Contact our Information and Advice team who can discuss with you any options around claiming benefits or getting help with heating costs or keeping warm this winter.
If you are feeling lonely this winter, or you have no one to talk to, we can help.
It can be harder than usual during winter time to get out and see people and this can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Our Wellbeing service is all about companionship and once you are registered you will be matched with a volunteer who will make a regular call for a friendly chat.

If you want to keep active with the benefit of meeting new people, we can help.
Every week we run 80 exercise and activity sessions across Somerset and North Somerset. Not only are these a great way to get warm and maintain your level of fitness through the winter but you'll find every group is very friendly and sociable. We even offer some sessions online so you can take part from the comfort of your own home.
Contact our Ageing Well team who will help you to find the perfect session to suit you.
Tailored help with the issues affecting your daily life
Chat and Map is a free service which offers a one-stop-shop approach to solving a wide variety of issues which may be affecting the quality of life of an older person.
The service treats everyone as individuals and involves a member of staff making a home visit. Through a friendly chat they'll ask what issues might be affecting daily life of the client. This could range from struggling with rising bills, feeling isolated and lonely, or having trouble coping in their homes.
Whatever the issues we will work our hardest to find the solutions. These may be provided through connecting the client with other services provided by Age UK Somerset, or referrals can be made to services provided elsewhere.