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Try our Toenail Cutting service to help you to stay comfortable on your feet

Toenails don't stop growing and they can cause difficulties if they are not regularly cut.

Long toenails have contributed to falls and unfortunately, hospitalisation.

Age UK Somerset offers a basic toenail cutting service to over 55s.

The service is provided by friendly, fully trained staff and can enhance a person's mobility and comfort. You can join the service on a short term basis or for as long as you need it. 

Who can use this service?

You may be interested in this clinic based service if you are aged 55 or over and: 

  • are unable to hold clippers
  • are unable to bend down
  • are unable to reach your feet
  • have little strength in your hands

We can also cut toenails for clients who are diabetic or for those with dementia.  

  • If you are diabetic it is essential that you have had a foot check with your surgery in the last 12 months and they have not identified any issues which would preclude your use of our service.

  • For clients with dementia it is desirable that they have a familiar person to accompany them during the appointment.

Some medical conditions (such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer), may put clients at higher risk of complications.

If you have any concerns about this or problems with the condition of your feet (including red hot swollen feet, circulatory issues, cramps, ulcers) you should consult your GP before making an application to join our service.

Frequency and length of Appointments

Appointments last approximately 25-30 minutes usually four times a year, that is every three months. Other options may be available.


Where are the clinics?

Click to view the location of the clinics (pdf)


Why it's a good service

  • We have a ‘good’ rating by the Care Quality Commission
  • Our staff receive training from the NHS and are fully insured and DBS (Disclosure and Barring) checked for security purposes
  • Our staff wear PPE and continue to take sensible measures to do all we can to keep our clients safe.


What the Toenail Cutting Service does NOT offer

This is a toenail cutting service only, so we are unable to treat ingrown toenails, corns, bunions, callouses, hard skin or foot infections, or fingernails. 

Clients with such conditions should seek advice from a podiatrist or chiropodist registered on the Health and Care Professions Council by visiting:

What are the costs?

This is a clinic based service and we make a charge of £25 per appointment.  

There is an initial one off payment of £15 for equipment (clippers and nail file) which will then belong to the individual.

Compared to the price of a visit to a chiropodist our service can offer a cost effective way to keep your toenails trimmed.

Payment is made at the time of treatment by cash or cheque. 


How to get Toenail cutting appointments with Age UK Somerset

To join the service you will need to fill in our simple application form which can be done online:

Online Toenail Cutting Service Application form

Alternatively, we are happy to send you an application form in the post.

Just call 01823 345612 or or email

Once we have received your completed application form we will contact you to arrange your first appointment.

We carried out a review of the data available to us about Ash House on 6th July 2023. We have not found evidence that we need to carry out an inspection or reassess our rating at this stage.

Getting in touch with the Toenail Cutting Service

If you have any enquiries about our Toenail Cutting service please don't hestitate to get in touch.

Telephone:  01823 345612


Quick referral process for GP surgeries, NHS and Health Care Professionals only

This form is just for the use of GP Surgeries, NHS and Health Care Professionals.