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Ageing Well Sit, Fit and Fun Sessions

(formerly called Flexercise)

Sit, Fit and Fun is the new name for our gentle chair-based gentle exercise sessions which were formerly called Flexercise.  These classes are great for any older adult who has limited mobility. They are relaxed and informal and the focus is on doing simple, chair-based exercises and just enjoying being around other people.

The sessions are led by qualified volunteers and are held in community venues and retirement accommodation.

For more information, call the Ageing Well team on 01823 345626

To view all of our classes in Somerset and North Somerset click here to visit our  Class Timetable

Sit, Fit and Fun Workshops

We don't have any workshops organised at the moment but please check back or contact us.

What people say about their Flexercise classes


Sue T

“Without Age UK Flexercise classes I think my life would be quite different.  The exercises I learn at class have become part of my everyday routine and so have a massive impact on my daily living”. 

Peggy's Story

Peggy* has suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis since the age of 34.  At age 74 the condition is particularly bad in her hands, feet and knees.  On some bad days Peggy found herself unable to get out of bed.  Finally, after having a heart attack four years ago, Peggy's confidence took a nose-dive and she wasn't getting out of the house at all.

Peggy discovered an Ageing Well Flexercise class and soon found that it helped.  Before she couldn't even touch her fingers with her thumb but after practising her exercises every day she is finding it a totally different story, and the exercise has helped improve her grip.

Peggy is now a regular attendee of Age UK Somerset and said "I wouldn't miss it for the world.  It really helps and I feel much better about myself."

What one of our Flexercise Volunteers has to say


Something that was very fulfilling for me started when I was approached by someone in the Taunton Library, asking if I'd like to become a volunteer again. (I had previously been a volunteer befriender for Somerset Sight.) Hitherto, I was a wife, mother and a go-to for everyone else (or so it seemed). Never much time for ME !

I was asked what type of volunteering would I be interested in and as I had been leading a somewhat sedentary life up until then and had just started to go to an Age UK Flexercise class run by Pat Pike which I enjoyed very much, I thought that would be the path to take.

I met up one day with Di Ramsay who was desperate for someone for the Ageing Well program. I was recruited there and then and have never looked back.

My first class was in a residential complex in Taunton. We have so much fun and the class is well attended every week. I suggested to Di that we run a class in the Blackbrook area as there were no similar sessions running at that time. It has been a great success with a good attendance every week, so people must like it!  We have a lot of fun and laughs as well as the exercise, followed by chat, tea and biscuits.

I very much enjoy all my classes and look forward to seeing all my lovely new friends every week. It has made me realise what a lonely life I was leading before I did my Flexercise!  

As volunteers, we are well looked after and supported by Age UK Somerset and therefore it is a pleasure to work for them. I've never looked back and just hope that I've got plenty of useful years ahead!

For more information or if you have any questions please contact the Ageing Well team.

Phone:  01823 345626


Could you help?

We rely on the help of Volunteers to provide this service. 

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