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Copy of Christmas Carol Service 2025 A4 poster wo Som Care.png
All are welcome to our Christmas Carol Service at Wells Cathedral on
Wednesday 10th December 2025 at 11am

We hope you can join us for a joyful celebration of Christmas and community!

There will be traditional readings, popular Carols to sing along to and with a powerful and no doubt moving performance from the Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir* this event is sure to get you into the festive spirit!

No booking necessary. Entry is free but donations are encouraged and greatly appreciated!
Everyone is welcome to attend whether you have anything to do with Age UK Somerset or would just like to enjoy the festive atmosphere and music in the magnificent surroundings of the Cathedral. 

If you have accessibility or special seating needs, or are bringing a group and have enquiries about reserving seats or arriving with a mini bus, or if you have any other questions, please email or call 01823 345627 (leave a message if no one answers and we'll call back asap).

If you'd like to download the poster to share

Click here to download the Christmas Carol Service poster

If you'd like to make a donation online in advance of the event

Please click here to donate


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*Scroll down to see some short videos of the Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir at a previous Carol Service

Short Video Clips of the Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir


Love to sing?

The Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir as always looking for new Members! No audition is necessary but alongside the tuition of our Musical Director new members receive plenty of help and encouragement from choir colleagues. They are a sociable bunch and the most important attribute for a member of the choir is commitment and enthusiasm. SINGING CAN IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS!

Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir
Our Christmas Carol Service in 2023