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A huge concert to make a big difference!

Published on 15 October 2019 11:40 AM

Autumn Leaves Fundraising ConcertTaunton Deane Male Voice Choir and Four Lanes Choir (from the village of Four Lanes near Redruth, Cornwall) are joining together to perform a concert of rousing popular songs in aid of Age UK Somerset on Saturday 26th October at St James Church, Taunton.

It is very kind of Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir to choose to Age UK Somerset as the charity to benefit from any funds raised at this performance.  Having seen them perform before, it’s hard to find the words to describe the feeling you get listening to the sounds of all those voices in harmony.  It’s a cross between your heart swelling, it’s so moving you could almost cry, and at the same time you have goosebumps and the hairs on your arms stand up.  It’s overwhelming and awesome and bound to take the chill of the Autumn air!

Money raised will go towards projects to reduce loneliness ensuring that for some local older people the warm feeling will continue as Autumn turns to winter.

Ticket can be purchased through the Taunton Male Voice Choir on 01823 432495 or online via Eventbrite using