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Big Knit News

Published on 13 November 2019 04:13 PM

The Big Knit image

We wanted to update you on the campaign which was in its 16th year and ended in July.  Over 1.5million hats were knitted across the country and locally we finished just a little short of our target but nevertheless thanks to all the efforts of our supporters we have received very nearly £4000 which we can spend on our work with older people in Somerset and North Somerset.  This is fantastic and really appreciated by us.

Where and when will the hats be on bottles in shops?

Innocent have informed us that hats will be on bottles in their stockists all over England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland throughout November. Smaller supermarket branches and café chains will not stock as many so could sell out quicker than larger superstore supermarkets.

Next campaign

Discussions are taking place with Innocent and it is looking like the next campaign will start promoting the knitting in early autumn 2020 with the on-sale period in winter 2021.This has not been confirmed but if you are keen to carry on knitting more hats in the meantime we would be delighted because these will all count towards the next campaign and if we can get ahead so much the better.

If you are able to hang on to any hats you knit for the time being that would be great although we are more than happy for hats to be sent to the office as and when it suits you.  We will be writing to everyone who was involved before in due course as we hope to have various other drop-off points across Somerset and North Somerset.

For more information please contact