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Age UK Somerset is committed to providing high quality services to older people in Somerset. 

We welcome and value feedback from the people we interact with, so if you have any comments, suggestions or indeed compliments about our organisation please let us know. 

Your feedback will help us understand what is working well, to consider potential opportunities for change and improvements, and to identify new services and activities needed by local older people. 


Comments and Compliments

We like to celebrate our compliments as they confirm what Age UK Somerset, our Trustees, staff and volunteers are doing well. 

You can share your comments and compliments in writing, by telephone, by email or using the form below. 

We hope that your experience of Age UK Somerset is a positive one, and we look forward to hearing from you. 



If something goes wrong or causes you concern we would like to hear from you so we can improve and prevent similar incidents from reoccurring. 

If you want to raise a concern, objection or make a complaint about the services and responses you have received from Age UK Somerset. You can do this in writing, by telephone, by email or using the form below. 

We aim to resolve complaints and concerns to everyone’s satisfaction as soon as possible. 

For more information, visit our Making a Complaint page or click  on this link to download our Complaints Policy.  
Age UK Somerset 
Ash House  
Cook Way 
Somerset TA2 6BJ 


Telephone: 01823 345610 


Comments, Compliments and Complaints form