Become a Face-to-face Befriender

Did you know two fifths of older people say that the television is their only friend?
As a befriender you could provide regular company for a lonely older person living in Solihull. Thousands of local older people are extremely lonely, going for weeks, even months, without speaking to another person. One of the ways you can help is by volunteering to befriend an older person.
What do befrienders do?
Befrienders will socialise with a lonely older person once a week for an hour (or more) preferably during the day.
You will be matched with an older person, who you will regularly visit or speak to over the telephone as a telephone befriender. Your friendly conversation and companionship will make a genuine difference to our clients lives, help them to feel happier, positive and more connected.
Is it for me?
The ideal befriender would be a good listener, with a friendly, open manner and the ability to put people at ease. Patience and an understanding of the challenges faced by older people is also important. They would empower older people to improve their wellbeing through social interaction.
Firm Friends
Volunteer befriender, Anne, told us,
"In November 2022, my life became much more fulfilling thanks to becoming a befriender with Age UK Solihull.
My father, who lived with us until he was 94, died earlier that year and I found myself with time on my hands and a desire to help elderly people who might welcome some company and help (I will soon be 74 so may fall into that category before too long).
The application and vetting process was most efficient and friendly and I can't praise the staff highly enough. Without undue hope, I requested someone who loves reading as much as I do. Well! Age UK Solihull really came up trumps and I was introduced to a true gentleman who adores reading but is now almost entirely blind. He listens to audio books and I've been able to recommend titles now that I know his taste, as well as call up poems on Alexa. I also take him to occasional hospital and dental appointments. We have great chats and he makes a good cup of tea. He has a sharp mind, superb general knowledge and a wicked sense of humour. Despite the rough hand which life has dealt him in all sorts of areas, he makes the best of things and we have become firm friends. My husband loves him too, and has helped with practical things in his flat.
In September 2023 I started befriending Brenda also, a feisty lady with health problems who is largely immobile. We have a lot of banter and she is so appreciative of my visits because she sees little of her family. Like Arthur, however, she doesn't dwell on this too much and just takes life as it comes.
I thought I'd feel quite virtuous becoming a volunteer but I'm enjoying it so much it doesn't feel like a chore.
Although I'm not exactly in the poorhouse, I do find the mileage allowance from Age UK Solihull useful. But I will be remembering them in my Will as they have made not one but three people very happy (actually four probably, as my husband gets some peace when I go visiting!)"
Thank you so much, Anne, for sharing your story. We are delighted to hear how much you have got out volunteering as a befriender, and we are so grateful for the friendship you have given to two lonley older people in Solihull.
Thank you so much also for letting us know that you have remembered us in your Will, helping us to conitnue to be here to provide support and friendship for future generations of older Solihull residents.
Counting down the days
"Being a befriender at Age UK Solihull has been an incredibly enriching experience. From spending time with Pam chatting away or listening to her incredible stories, I feel great warmth and companionship in her presence. I also count down the days till I get to visit Pam and I look forward to our weekly catch-ups and chats. It is a privilege to call Pam a friend, although it’s only been a year since our paths crossed, it feels as if we’ve been friends for years. I am grateful towards the Age UK Solihull for helping me meet a very kind and wonderful friend and also for their remarkable values and work."
Pooja - Volunteer Befriender

Telephone Befriending
We also offer a Telephone Befriending service for those who would prefer it.
Interested in Befriending?
Complete our application form and email to