Remember us in your will

Help us to be here for future generations of Solihull residents
If you are considering leaving us a gift in your will – thank you!
We are a local charity that is dedicated to helping older residents of Solihull, and we want to help everyone who needs us for years to come. Your gift in your will to Age UK Solihull, however large or small, can help this happen.
If you do choose to remember us as your local Age UK in your will, please don't forget the "Solihull" part of our name, or your gift will go to the national charity.
Age UK Solihull is not allowed to give legal advice so please contact a solicitor if you wish to discuss your will.
If you do not have a solicitor, you can email or call 0121 704 7840 and we can send a list of local solicitors who regularly draft wills (we are not allowed to recommend a particular solicitor). Alternatively, you can book a reduced-rate Will writing appointment through our Community Advice Hubs by calling 0121 709 7590.
If you already have a Will and would like to change it, you can use a codicil, but nowadays it is just as easy for your solicitor to adapt an existing one.
Types of gift
The most usual gift types are:
- a sum of money which can be any specific amount which suits your circumstances
- a percentage of what you are worth – formally it is called a residuary gift. It can be 1% to 100% of your “estate” – again whatever suits your own circumstances. Leaving just 1% to Age UK Solihull can help us help future generations of older people in Solihull, while those closest to you would still be left the remaining 99%.
- a contingent gift - a gift in your Will that depends upon the occurrence of an event which may or may not happen is known legally as a contingent bequest. An example is a gift to a charity which applies only if other beneficiaries named in the Will die before the testator (person who made the Will).
Our promises for gifts in Wills
We fully recognise this is a private gift and that your circumstances might change in the future.
To reassure you how highly we value the private method of this way of supporting our work, we have developed the following promises:
- We will not put pressure on you to give a gift in your Will – it is your decision.
- We will never ask you the size or type of gift if you decide to support our work this way.
- We absolutely recognise those closest to you come first in your Will.
- You never have to tell us your intentions – we respect your right to privacy.
- We fully understand that personal circumstances change and there might be a time when you must take Age UK Solihull out of your Will.
- We promise to use your gift wisely.
- If you want your gift used in a special way please contact us.
If you want to tell us about your gift it does enable us to say thank you which we like to do!
Tax savings
Inheritance tax is complicated, but it is surprisingly easy to avoid paying it or reducing the amount payable! It is likely that for every £1000 you leave us, your estate would save £400 inheritance tax, but please take professional advice.
Letter of wishes
A Letter of Wishes is a document that accompanies your Will. It is not legally binding but can guide your executors (and appointed trustees if you have them) to ensure your personal wishes are carried out. It gives you great flexibility to meet your current wishes without the need for expensive future changes to your Will.
You must take care that a Letter of Wishes does not contain anything that could conflict with the Will. The Letter can advise on anything, but most common uses include:
- Any charities you would like to benefit (giving the Executors the final choice of fulfilling your wish, or not, depending on whether there are enough assets for other beneficiaries).
- Who to notify of your death, or in some cases, who not to tell!
- The style of funeral you want, whether you want burial or cremation, and any specific instructions regarding the service, where you would like to be buried or have your ashes sprinkled.
- Whether you would like flowers or donations in memory of a loved one to charity of your choice such as Age UK Solihull.
- Suggesting guardians for your children and how you would like your children to be raised, their upbringing, education, and where they live. These details should be reviewed as the children grow up.
- Who you would like to look after any pets/animals you own.
- Giving more detailed information to help your executors identify specific items you are giving away in your Will.
- Providing explanations as to why you have excluded someone from the Will, if you think that it may be a controversial decision or challenged later.
A Letter of Wishes should be written in plain English, signed and dated, but not witnessed to avoid any claim that it has become a legal Will or codicil.
Lasting Powers of Attorney
Your professional adviser can also draft Lasting Powers of Attorney. There are two lasting powers of attorney – one for financial decisions and another for health and care decisions. But they can be invaluable for you, your children and other older relatives who are not in a position to manage their own affairs. Again, it is important to take professional advice to make sure they are phrased to suit the needs of your whole family.
Legal disclaimer
This information is guidance, not legal advice. Always contact a solicitor or legal professional before including a trust in your Will.
Why leave a gift in your will to Age UK Solihull?
Age UK Solihull is a local charity and we want to continue to be here for older people in the Solihull borough when they need us most.
Gifts left to Age UK Solihull are absolutely vital to our work. They enable us to run our essential services for older people - including our Information & Advice line, our Befriending service and our Digital Champions project.
You can leave as little as 1% to Age UK Solihull, meaning those closest to you will still be taken care of while you are helping us to be there for future generations of older people in Solihull.

Contact us to find out more
If you are interested in leaving a gift in your will and want more information, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to talk to you further.