Past and present corporate support
Blossomfield Grange Care Home
We were thrilled that Care UK's Blossomfield Grange Care Home (formerly Sunrise) chose us as their Charity of the Year for 2023 and 2024, and we are looking forward to continuing to work with them in 2025.
The home raised £3,000 for us in 2023 - three times their initial target of £1,000, and in 2024 they raised another £2,500! This was achieved through events, raffles, donations and match funding from Care UK.
National Gas Metering
Our relationship with National Gas Metering (formerly National Grid) began when they hosted a Christmas Party at their offices for our clients in 2019, and we are extremely lucky to have had an ongoing relationship with them since then.
The team has provided incredible support, including fundraisers, donations of food parcels and PPE during the coronavirus pandemic, a £1,500 donation to fund 10 tablets for our Digital Champions project, donations of Christmas gifts and Easter Eggs, several volunteer hours including over 2,700 welfare calls to older people carried out by a group of employees, and the team always supports our own fundraising events and activities.
Energy One
Solihull-based business, Energy One Limited, has chosen to support us with our fundraising and awareness-boosting efforts. Through events, raffles, sponsorship, they have raised over £500, as well as supporting other initiatives like our Christmas gift appeal.
We’re very grateful for Energy One’s help and we’re looking forward to contiuing working with them!
Previous Charity of the Year partnerships
Sydney Mitchell LLP
We were Sydney Mitchell’s Charity of the Year from 2018-2022. The local solicitors raised funds for us by hosting Golf Days, Smartphone Quizzes and a Charity Ball. Sydney Mitchell also sponsored some of our tshirts, and colleagues raised funds by completing the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge and the Great Birmingham Run.
Throughout the partnership, Sydney Mitchell employees also supported our own fundraising events and activities. An incredible £11.8k was raised through various activities during the partnership.
Birmingham Business Park
We were Birmingham Business Park's Charity Partner for 2019-21.
This infographic shows just some of the support we received from the business park from the beginning of the partnership until April 2021. After that, the business park also sponsored some t-shirts for us, collected more Christmas gifts for our clients and raised over £300 with a Comedy Fundraiser and Christmas Wreath Making Workshop.
The business park has continued to support us after our official partnership ended. They have sponsored our Quiz Nights, invited us to events and activities at the park, and once again collected over 350 gifts for our clients for Christmas 2022.
Davisons Law
Davisons Law (formerly QS Davisons Solicitors) chose us as their Charity of the Year for 2020/21. The firm supported us with our Christmas Raffles and chocolate bouquets, provided sponsorship for our clubs' Jubliee parties and raised over £7,000 with their own fundraising activities.
Knowle & Dorridge Ladies Circle
We were chosen by Knowle & Dorridge Ladies Circle Chair 2020/21, Jos Wolf, as her charity to support during her year as Chair. Our partnership commenced just as the coronavirus pandemic began, so fundraising opportunities were limited, but the group still managed to raise an incredible £3,940. We are so grateful for their support during such a challenging year!
Olton Golf Club
In 2018, we were chosen by Olton Golf Club’s Captain, Moray Hulme, as his charity to support during his time in position. Thanks to the generosity of its members, the club raised an impressive £8,050 over the year. Our CEO, Anne Hastings, and Fundraising Manager, Lorraine Hart, went along to the club to be presented with the cheque (right). Moray said, “The members were delighted with my chosen charity and consistently supported events throughout the year. We know that the funds raised will benefit local people, and it was a pleasure to support such a great charity.”
Data Service Provider for Britain’s gas market, Xoserve, raised a fantastic £2,341 during our Charity of the Year partnership. The money has been spent on two new self-help PCs for our South Solihull Community Advice Hub. Rather than relying on an advisor to complete online forms on their behalf, people who access the Hub for information and advice are empowered to help themselves using the touchscreen PCs, with the help of a trained Age UK Solihull volunteer.
The team at Xoserve continued fundraising for us even after our year as their official Charity of the Year was over. In October - December 2019 they raised £225 from a Halloween Bake Off, a further £54 from their chocolate bouquet, and an astonishing £1,008 from their Christmas Raffle. We are extremely grateful for their continued support.
Coventry Building Society
We’d also like to thank Coventry Building Society, Solihull branch, for having us as their Charity of the Year from 2015-2018. Throughout our partnership a total of £3,823.75 was raised, and we are very grateful for their support over the three years.
If you are considering choosing us as your Charity of the Year and would like any further information, please call us on 0121 704 7842 for a chat, or email Alternatively, complete our Enquiry Form and we will be in touch to discuss a partnership.
If your business offers products or services and you would like to offer a donation to Age UK Solihull for any that are sold, please get in touch.
Other recent corporate support
John Lewis
In 2023 we received a generous £944 through John Lewis' Community Matters Scheme. The Solihull store held a bake sale and tombola which raised £154.45. The store is also one of our drop-off points for foreign and out-of-date currency. Find out more here.
We have partnered with John Lewis Solihull in the past for a Christmas campaign, with their seasonal advert inspiring Solihull residents to volunteer with us. They have also previously made a generous donation towards our clients' Christmas parties, and have helped us raise our profile through a presence in the store.
They have also been inolved in our Winter Warmth campaigns, completed a virtual bike ride, provided raffle prizes and donated wool for our Big Knit campaign in helping alleviate loneliness in older people. We have also held Fashion Shows at the store in the past.
Eastcote Park
Eastcote Park Retirement Village held two Quiz Nights for us in 2023, eash raising over £300.
They have also sponsored our newsletters, hosted one of our Digital Champion digital skills courses, and donated goodie bags for our clients during the coronavirus pandemic. To help celebrate our 40th anniversary in 2023, Eastcote Park donated 40 Christmas lunches for our clients and supporters.
Eastcote Park also hosts our monthly Welcome Wednesdays meetings, providing hot drinks, cake and our members are sometimes treated to the home's entertainment if timetables align!
This engineering firm has raised funds for us with various activities over the years, including dress down days, our chocolate bouquet raffles, a Golf Day in 2022 that raised a brilliant £460, a Coffee Morning and Table Top Sale in May 2023 that raised a fantastic £860, and a staff Christmas Raffle in 2024 that raised an amazing £599.
One of their colleagues, Jane Montgomery, has also volunteered at some of our Fundraising events.
Belmont Healthcare
Belmont introduced themselves to us in 2023, and they have become fantastic supporters. They have made donations towards the entertainment at our Wednesday Afternoon Club and our Winter Wamth project, and raised funds for our World Elder Abuse Awareness Day campaign. Three colleagues also volunteered at the Knowle Fun Run, meaning we received a proportion of the funds raised from the event. We were also delighted to welcome them to our Ruby Anniversary celebration in March 2023.
Blossomfield Rose Care Home
Macc Care's Blossomfield Rose Care Home has been incredibly supportive since opening in 2022. They invited us along to their VIP launch day, have invited our clients to their Christmas lunch and Warm Space Wednesdays, and taken part in our chocolate bouquet raffle (along with their sister home, Blythe Rose) and Christmas Gift Appeal.
They hosted an eggs-tremeley successful Easter Fun Day in April 2023, raising over £970 for Age UK Solihull. Home Manager, Sonia, also completed a skydive for us, and Macc Care matched what she raised, taking her total to £1,030!
Fountains Care Home
Barchester Healthcare's Fountains Care Home in Shirley has supported us for several years.
During coronavirus restrictions, the home donated cakes and afternoon teas that were delivered to older people on their big birthdays.
The home also offered their beautiful space and refreshments for our Quiz Night in October 2022, helping to raise over £300 for Age UK Solihull. They have also welcomed us to their Christmas Fair, and taken part in our chocolate bouquet raffles.
For several years, Asda Community Foundation has given £500 to help pay for our social clubs' Christmas lunches. Asda also awarded another £500 to enable us to buy MiFi boxes to help people get online at home, and most recently, we received a £1,000 grant for our Winter Warmth Campaign.
Waitrose Solihull have been incredibly supportive of our work over the years.
They have donated food for our Christmas parties and raffle prizes, as well as over £1,500 in financial donations from their Community Matters scheme and Green Tokens scheme, and a £400 donation towards the refurbishment of our Activities Room at The Core.
Countryside Partnerships
Countryside Partnerships North West Midlands generously sponsored the installation of a charging point for our electric vehicle, "Cynthia", which we use to transport older people to activities and events.
Christmas 2022
We received incredible support from local businesses to help make the festive period and beyond a little brighter for older Solihull residents. From McCarthy Stone offering their development for our Christmas parties to eight businesses collecting Christmas gifts for our clients, we were so grateful for the kindness shown by the local business community.
Past corporate support
Fun Runners
In 2022, Shilpa Unarkat and Angela Davis from Sydney Mitchell Solicitors ran the Great Birmingham Run in aid of Age UK Solihull, raising £355 between them.
In 2019, Ann Marie Aston from The Wilkes Partnership Solicitors (pictured), ran for us, raising £315.
Sign up to a do a run or another challenge event in aid of Age UK Solihull
In 2023 a team of four from Colas Ltd raised £1,828.60 between them with their jumps. Alice Townsend, Vankatesh Kode and Ajita Kode, and Emma Murray all enjoyed the experience, with Ajita describing it as "phenomenal".
Blossomfield Rose Care Home's Operations Manager, Sonia Tenniswood, also completed a skydive in 2023. She raised £515 in donations, which Macc Care generously matched, taking her total to £1,030.
In July 2017 a team from Legal and General Solihull (pictured) took to the skies to take on a tandem skydive. They helped to raise £6,154.68!
Other Previous Corporate Support
Morgan Parkes Recruitment
This local recruitment company has supported us for several years by collecting over 1,000 Christmas gifts for us to give to our clients. Morgan Parkes have also part-sponsored one of our client Christmas Parties and supported our Charity Ball in the past.
Paramo Lounge
This cafe/bar on Solihull High Street offered a biscuit for 20p with every hot drink purchased in December 2019/January 2020, and kindly donated the proceeds to us. They raised a fantastic £98.80 from the initiative.
Paramo Lounge also reguarly supports our chocolate bouquet raffles, raising funds to help us to run our services.
Crown Cars
This local taxi firm pledged to donate £1 for every person who downloaded their app during December 2019, and they reached their target donation of £250!
A2B Radio Cars
A2B have provided transport for our clients to and from various events including our Christmas lunches and an Easter basket making workshop at Birmingham Business Park.
St Johns Hotel
St Johns sponsored all five of our Charity Balls and each time, we worked in conjunction with Solihull Sustain, raising a huge total of £90,000 over six years.
Solihull Taxi Cabs

This taxi firm sponsored our ticket printing for our 'Rio Carnival' Charity Ball 2016.
They played old film reels at an afternoon tea for our clients, and they also played old Hollywood film reels for our 'Hooray for Hollywood!' Charity Ball in July 2017.
Solihull Moors Football Club

We held two client Christmas lunches and three Speed Quiz Nights at the football club.
Local groups and associations
As well as corporate partners, we are also lucky to work with several local community groups, who help to keep our services for older Solihull residents running.
We would like to thank all our partners, past and present, for supporting us.
Want to know more?
If you are interested in partnering with us, give us a call on 0121 704 7842, email or complete our Enquiry Form.