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Community Advice Hubs

Published on 21 January 2019 08:42 AM

Age UK Solihull has successfully delivered the Solihull Community Advice Hubs in North and South Solihull since 2014. The Hubs are a vital gateway into services for residents of all ages. They provide universal information, advice and support including outreach to those most vulnerable living in our communities. In 2017/18 the Hubs supported nearly 8,000 people.  The Hubs sit at the centre of a wide range of partner organisations who provide specialist services to meet the needs of all residents of all ages. 

Age UK Solihull is a local, independent and impartial charity committed to a brand partnership with the national organisation Age UK. We are not funded by Age UK and all funding received whether via contracts or donations is spent within the borough of Solihull. 

Age UK Solihull successfully bid to to deliver services in a recent Council tender, this tender was not scored on price, it was fixed in cost, and purely scored on quality.  Whilst we are saddened that some of our local partners, whom we have worked closely with over the past 5 years, have not been successful in the recent procurement process, we look forward to delivering services to residents under the new model for Community Wellbeing Services in Solihull. 

We thank all our partners, staff and most importantly our 300 volunteers who support our work every day. 

If you would like to know more about the Community Advice Hub please visit the Age UK Solihull website at, telephone 0121 705 3588 or email