Reporting Hate Crime

Age UK Solihull is one of a number of Hate Crime independent reporting centres in Solihull.
Hate Crime is a criminal offence; identified as any incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by prejudice against someone's sex, racial heritage, religion, disability or sexual orientation.
It can include:
- verbal abuse and harassment
- threats and intimidation
- physical assault and violence including sexual violence
- psychological and emotional violence
- property damage
- graffiti
- offensive mail and literature
Hate Crime is unacceptable. DO NOT SUFFER IN SILENCE.
If you suffer or witness hate Crime, you can talk about the incident in strict confidence with a trained advisor at Age UK Solihull. You will receive appropriate advice and support, and the advisor at Age UK Solihull can even report incidents to the police on your behalf in confidence and with your consent.
Please either call us on 0121 709 7590 or email for more information or help.