Our Annual Review

2023/24 Annual Review
A message from our CEO
ollowing the ravages of the Covid 19 pandemic and the misery and worry of the cost-of-living crisis - community, wellbeing and connection have never been more important. Loneliness is a major social problem for all age groups but for older people it is often compounded by bereavement and other losses, and difficulties getting out and about because of disability, ill health or poor transport.
Our work in Solihull will continue to help older people by providing support, companionship, practical help and advice where it is needed. We are particularly pleased to have helped Solihull residents successfully claim £3,720,624 in benefits, a further increase on the record set last year of £3,149,360. Achieving this during a very challenging year for people with the cost-of-living crisis was particularly uplifting for our staff and volunteers.
We continue to work closely with statutory and voluntary sector colleagues in Solihull to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients, and during the year we made 5,632 referrals to external organisations.
The charity achieved major success through the awarding of a three-year Charity Quality Standard Certificate following an external audit assessment in April 2024. The assessment was unable to identify a single non-compliance which is a testament to the hard work of Trustees, the staff team and our wonderful volunteers. The Standard is externally assessed by industry leaders SGS who undertake a rigorous review of our working practice through interviews, observation, and a review of our key documents and records. We will strive to uphold these high standards.
Thank you to the funders and supporters who believe in us and the work we do to make a difference to the lives of all the older and vulnerable people we serve in this wonderful borough. A special Thank You to our hard working staff and our amazing volunteers, including our dedicated Trustees.
Together we can continue to make Solihull a great place to grow old.
Anne F Hastings
Chief Executive Officer
2023-24 Annual Review
Read our latest Annual Review to find out what we have achieved over the past year.