Home from hospital

- Location: Helena Lane House
- Price: Free
Please note this service is only available to people living in south Shropshire.
Helena Lane House
20 Hamlet Road
United Kingdom
Email: hfh.enquiries@ageukstw.org.uk
Telephone: 01584 878 046
Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin can offer free short term help and support for older people leaving hospital, after an illness or in a crisis.
The aim of this service is to support people to remain at home and lead as active and independent a life as possible. We can offer free social and practical support for up to six weeks.
Such activities and support may include help with tasks such as shopping or dog walking. However the most important role is befriending, helping to alleviate the isolation that many older people experience. We also offer encouragement to help people to become involved in activities in their community.
The team can visit people on the hospital ward prior to discharge, and will assess the older person's needs before introducing a volunteer to support the older person in their own home.
To make a referral call 01584 878 046 (ext. 219).