Line dance into the New Year

Published on 08 January 2025 12:08 PM
Step into 2025 with the Silver Star Line Dancing class for eight weeks of fun, fitness and friendship.
Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin are happy to support Telford MIND and Safer, Stronger Communities who are partnering together to offer an eight-week line dancing course with the Silver Star Line Dancing Class.
For just £1.00 per session, this course provides individuals with the opportunity to learn the basics of line dancing; what better way to start your year than with some light-hearted exercise in a welcoming, social environment? Whether you’re a beginner or just looking to brush up on your skills, everyone is welcome.
Claire Fishlock, Service Development Officer at Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin, says: ‘Our main goal for this exciting new project is to foster teamwork between Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin and our line dancing instructors in supporting both Telford MIND and The Veterans Project. I’ll be there for both the first and last sessions, providing information on our other projects and offering plenty of encouragement.’
The sessions take place every Monday from 13 January to 10 March, with the line dancing between 11.30am-12.15pm and an opportunity for socialising with refreshments between 12.15pm-12.45pm. The class takes place in Turreff Hall, Donnington, Telford, TF2 8HG.
If you are interested in learning to line dance and would like to book your place, please email Telford MIND directly at or call 07966 179 959.