Keeping fit at home

Published on 05 May 2020 02:07 PM
Regular physical activity in later life is important for so many reasons, but during the coronavirus pandemic options for exercising have become more limited.
That’s why we’ve put together a list of online exercise resources designed specifically for older people, to help maintain or improve flexibility and fitness while at home.
This NHS page provides information about physical activity for older people and has links to instructor-led videos covering aerobic exercise, strength and resistance, pilates and yoga.
Public Health England have produced a guide to being active at home during the coronavirus outbreak.
Download a copy of Active at Home
Age UK have information to help you keep moving, whatever your age.
We Are Undefeatable have identified plenty of ways that you can get moving without needing to leave your house.
Energize and their team of Elevate instructors have developed the Elevate at Home training programme.
Our colleagues at Age UK Oxfordshire have a number of exercise films on their site featuring workouts that you can do from the comfort of your own home.
Our colleagues at Age UK Enfield have produced a Home Exercise Livingwell pack and video, packed full of exercises to enable older people to keep fit and healthy within their homes.
Download a copy of the Home Exercise Livingwell pack
Watch the exercises on YouTube
Manchester’s Greater Sport have also put together a great collection of activities specifically for older adults who aren't currently active or who are less physically able to do higher intensity activity.