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Befriending volunteer

Age UK Sheppey are always pleased to hear from anyone who wishes to volunteer to help us provide services to older people.

There are a wide range of volunteering opportunities on offer and your role as a volunteer can be as varied or as simple as you wish. We appreciate that abilities, experience and interests have a role to play, and welcome volunteers from all walks of life.

Our volunteering roles include:

  • admin
  • day club assistants
  • escorting on our mini buses (daily transport and monthly trips) 
  • delivering our lunchtime hot meal service to home clients 
  • talking to clients and assisting them with engaging in social activities 

We are looking for volunteers over 18 years of age with an interest in older people. Ideally, you will be good at listening as well as talking to other people.

A DBS check may be necessary, depending on the nature of your role, and we can organise this for you.

If you are interested in joining our team, then please feel free to contact us. You can also complete and return our Volunteer Application form below.

Find out more about volunteering with us

Call 01795 662562 or email: