Becoming a Friend of Age UK Sheppey
Becoming a Friend of Age UK Sheppey provides a great way for your organisation to assist a local Sheppey charity and is easy to join.
Just register with us by downloading the form and set up a monthly or annual standing order or payment. Yearly membership starts from as little as £8.33 per month.
Age UK Sheppey is a local Charitable Incorporated Organisation supporting older people on Sheppey. With your help, we can continue to:
- Relieve loneliness
- Offer practical help allowing people to remain independent in their own homes
- Provide respite for family members
- Provide nutritional meals both at our day centres and delivered to people's homes
- Offer free impartial advice to help everyone meet the challenges of later life
How does the Friends Age UK Sheppey scheme work?
We offer a selection of corporate packages. Select the package that best fits with your organisation’s ethos.
Our packages
- Corporate Friend £100 - Acknowledgement of your support in our centre, on our website and in our newsletter
- Silver Corporate Friend £250 - In addition to the above, we offer: A Friend sticker for your use, Friends newsletter and use of our Friends badge in your electronic communications
- Gold Corporate Friend £500 - In addition to the above, we offer: Dementia awareness sessions for your staff and acknowledgement of your support on one of our vehicles
All money generated will be used solely to assist older people on Sheppey. We continue to welcome other donations or financial support. Bespoke packages can also be developed for mutual benefit.
We also offer Personal Friend Membership at £15 per person or £20 per couple. We can claim Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer.
Did you know?
- It costs £25 to provide 5 return trips to our centre (on our of our specially adapted mini buses) for one client
- It costs £60 for a free information and advice session, this includes a visit to an older person’s home and follow up support e.g. form filling etc.
- It costs over £40 to provide one day at our centre for our client
- It costs £5 for the delivery of one meal
We do not pass on the full costs to our clients, in some cases, the service is free and in other instances, we ask for a contribution towards the cost.
Our funding
In the past, Age UK Sheppey has received substantial public sector funding however, this has been greatly reduced in recent years, despite the fact that the number of older people on Sheppey needing support is increasing.
To enable us to help those most in need, we are reaching out to our local community for your support.
Become a Friend of Age UK Sheppey and make a difference to the lives of older people
Call us on 01795 662562 for more information or download a form below.