Dementia services for customers

We provide a wide range of specialist services to people living with dementia and their family carers. Each of our services is introduced below. Please contact us for further details.
Dementia Advice Sheffield
Our Dementia Advice Sheffield service provides a one-stop shop, the first point of contact service to respond to any non-clinical dementia-related query from a person living with dementia or their family carer. Our specialist advice support team will respond to your initial enquiry and signpost you to the best source of information to meet your specific needs, including resources and services in your local community which can provide ongoing support. These may include memory cafes, carers' groups, singing, allotment, chairobics or Sporting Memories groups.
Contact us now on (0114) 250 2875 or e-mail:
If you are working with people living with dementia as a professional or a volunteer, you may find useful information on this page.
If you'd like more details about local dementia groups and the available information, click here.
Dementia Wellbeing Centres
Our Dementia Wellbeing Centres provide a full day of activities and support based on a Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy approach which is proven to delay the onset of dementia symptoms.
Our four venues are:
- Centre in the Park, Norfolk Park – every day, Monday to Friday, 10.00 am - 3.00 pm
- Dorothy Fox Centre, Botanical Gardens – Friday, 10.00 am - 3.00 pm
- Hillsborough Park Pavilion – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10.00 am - 3.00pm
Some Council-funded places are available. Privately-funded places are £53.99 per day, plus lunch, or £29.99 for a half-day session.
For more information about our Dementia Wellbeing Centres, view our page here.
Watch a short (3m 26) video about our Dementia Wellbeing Centres by clicking here.
To arrange a free introductory visit, call us on (0114) 250 2850 or e-mail
Young Onset dementia services (people aged between 50 and 64)
Our Young Onset services provide tailored activities specifically designed for younger people who are living with dementia and peer support for family and friends.
Are you 65 or under & living with, or affected by, young onset dementia or memory problems?
If so, we have a service created specifically to support you and others affected by the condition in Sheffield. The Young Onset Hub (YOH) is a service delivered by Age UK Sheffield and funded by Sheffield City Council. We aim to connect & support you after receiving a diagnosis.
The Hub has been and will continue to be, shaped and informed by people living with or affected by young onset dementia because it aims to provide support that will be as helpful as possible and make a difference to you.
The team will contact you to introduce themselves, tell you about what YOH can offer, and see if we can support you in any other way.
Anyone is welcome to contact us & we look forward to hearing from you.
Our Young Onset Dementia Wellbeing Centres are:
- Monday at St Luke's, Ecclesall Road South, from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Friday at the Dorothy Fox Centre, Botanical Gardens, from 10.00 am - 3.00 pm
For further information on our Young Onset Dementia services call us on (0114) 250 2850 or e-mail
Rosemary Memory cafes
Our Rosemary Memory cafés provide team, coffee, cake and conversation, specifically for people living with dementia and their carers. Our sites are free to attend and operate as follows:
- Dore Methodist Church, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 2.00-4.00
- Bents Green Methodist Church, 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 2.00-4.00
For more details on our cafés, contact or call 07825 597 948.
Dementia friendly activities
Age UK Sheffield delivers a wide range of other dementia-friendly activities, particularly in South-West Sheffield and Hillsborough.
Other providers deliver dementia-friendly services elsewhere in the city. To search for groups in your area, click here. Or contact our Dementia Advice Sheffield service on (0114) 250 2875 or e-mail: and we will help to link you up.
Social coffee and games morning at Fulwood
Join us at Fulwood Scout Hut on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, from 10 am – 12 pm for games and great conversation. We usually play Scrabble and Rumikub but are open to new ideas. We always welcome new members and have a laugh, drinks, and cake included! This session is £2.
Contact Kathryn on 07825 597948 for more information. This session is dementia friendly.
Reminisce and Revive
This is a relaxed, dementia-friendly reminiscence group, that provides gentle reminiscence therapy for people living with dementia and/or their carers. It’s also a great chance for you to capture your life story and memories with help from session leader Anne Grange if you want to write them down for your family and friends.
It’s a great way to meet people, make friends and chat together. Fun and laughter are very important to the sessions.
Sessions are free and you can drop in and try out a session whenever you want. Any suggested themes are just a guideline – we can talk about anything and everything! We also talk about living with dementia, and how to live well with dementia.
The sessions are paced to suit you and you can suggest topics you want to talk about.
The Zoom sessions are online, from the comfort of your own home. All you need is a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone!
Creative writing is also very welcome in the sessions. If you write, we want to read your writing!
- If you are interested, please contact session leader Anne Grange on 07815966784 or email
Urdu and Arabic Dementia Films
A collection of dementia films in Urdu and Arabic, answering some of the questions about people being diagnosed and living with dementia. To watch these, please click here.
Or contact our Dementia Advice Sheffield service on (0114) 250 2875 or e-mail: and our specialist advice workers will respond to your initial enquiry and signpost you to the best source of information to meet your specific needs.
Dementia and Falls Prevention Leaflet
Staying steady and independent with dementia. This leaflet contains hints and tips to reduce your chance of falling.