Dementia News

Keeping professionals & volunteers in the loop with the latest developments, events, and support about dementia in Sheffield.
This newsletter is for professionals, volunteers, and academics working in dementia services throughout Sheffield who wish to keep up to date on all things related to dementia care provisions and services in the city. Dementia News is a newsletter produced and delivered by Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance working in partnership with Age UK Sheffield and Sheffield City Council.
Newsletters are sent once a month and contain updates on services, new training available (for example from Dementia Advice Sheffield), new projects and opportunities from the Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance, new resources and activities from the People Keeping Well partnerships, and broader news about dementia research, care, and projects. If you sign up, you'll always be able to unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time, either by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of the emails, or by emailing us to ask to be removed from the list.
You can sign up to be added to the mailing list or submit an item to request it's inclusion in an upcoming newsletter by clicking on the options below.
Sign up to receive the Dementia News e-newsletter
Submit an item to be included in an upcoming Dementia News newsletter
Is there something you would like including in the next newsletter? Click "Submit Item" to complete a short form to upload and request an item for inclusion. The cut off for submissions is the 20th of each month.