DAS: Dementia Advice Sheffield

Would you like some advice on how to work with someone living with dementia?
If you'd like to access free training, talk about a work situation you're dealing with, or refer someone you are supporting to a local dementia-friendly activity in their neighbourhood, it's easy for any professional or volunteer to contact Dementia Advice Sheffield.
Either call us on (0114) 250 2875 or e-mail: dementiaadvice@ageuksheffield.org.uk
If you are a person living with dementia or a family carer, you can find information on our customer-facing dementia services by clicking here.
The dementia network meets once a month and brings together professionals and volunteers in Sheffield to discuss dementia. If you would like to be a part of this, contact Grace at gracestead@enrichmentfortheelderly.org.
Read the relevant section below for downloadable resources. You may also be interested in the excellent support Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance gives to city organisations. To find out more and become an SDAA member, click here.
Upcoming training
Sign up for one of our free training sessions created specifically for people who work with people living with dementia.
Dementia and Falls Prevention Leaflet
Staying steady and independent with dementia. This leaflet contains hints and tips to reduce your chance of falling.
Here is a collection of online and downloadable resources you may find useful in working with people with dementia
Sheffield Directory
Visit Sheffield Directory for a wide range of group activities in your local neighbourhood which are accessible for people living with dementia or visit sheffielddirectory.org.uk/dementia for more resources and information
Dementia News
This newsletter is for those throughout Sheffield who wish to keep up to date on all things related to dementia care provisions and services in the city.