Our services

Age UK Sheffield offers vital services for older people and their carers. Please see our range of services below and click on them for more details.
Our services
Free information and advice
Age UK Sheffield offers a free Information & Advice Service. This service is a quality-accredited, free and confidential service for people aged over 50, their families and their carers. Click to find out more.
Independent Living Co-ordination
Our Independent Living Co-ordination (ILC) service is a three-month package of support in which we will help you and your family members to achieve your independence needs in a huge range of different ways. Click to find out more.
At Home with Age UK Sheffield
Our charity provides an independent & not for profit service to help people in Sheffield to live independently in their home. Click to find out more.
Dementia services
Find out all about our Dementia Advice Sheffield service, as well as our amazing Dementia Wellbeing Centres, services for people with Young Onset dementia, and other activities.
Young Onset Dementia Hub & Dementia Friendly Activities
Young Onset Dementia Hub (YOH)
The Young Onset Hub (YOH) is a new service delivered by Age UK Sheffield and funded by Sheffield City Council. We aim to connect & support you after receiving a diagnosis of young onset dementia. The Hub is being shaped and informed by people living with, or affected by young onset dementia (the experts!) because it aims to provide support that will be as helpful as possible and make a difference to you.
People Keeping Well (PKW) Activities and groups
We run a wide variety of activities, courses and groups across the South West of Sheffield enabling people to get out and about, find new hobbies, stay active and have fun. This is part of the Sheffield People Keeping Well programme. Some groups are specifically created for people living with dementia and/or their carers, others are accessible to anyone including those living with dementia and their carer
Our services
Porter Valley in Touch
Our new Porter Valley in Touch service aims to support older people in the Porter Valley area to regain or retain their independence through the support of a trained volunteer. Click to find out more
ILC Cancer Support Service
Our Cancer Support Independent Living Service exists thanks to our partnership with the Weston Park Cancer Charity. It is a three-month package of support in which one of our highly trained cancer support independent living coordinators will help you and your family members to achieve your independence needs.
GP Referral Service
Our GP referral service is free and supported by NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group.
If things are getting tougher for you as your health declines, and you want to live better with your long-term conditions, your Sheffield GP can refer you to our Independent Living Co-ordination (ILC) service is a three-month package of support.
Digital Drop In Service
Pop along to our free Digital Drop-In Service and see one of our knowledgable and friendly digital volunteers.
Everyone welcome! You can attend one of the sessions at either location below, no need to book, just show up!
Our services for Professionals
Dementia Advice Sheffield
Age UK Sheffield delivers the Dementia Advice Sheffield service created for professionals who work with and support people living with dementia and their carers. The service exists to provide support and training to professionals such as occupational therapists, care home staff and volunteers. The service is delivered in partnership with Enrichment for the Elderly who deliver the expert training.
Our Dementia Commitments - Sheffield
The previously named the Sheffield dementia action alliance. We have been working hard to make the new model easy to access, helping you to make simple changes to better support people with dementia in Sheffield. Welcome to Our Dementia Commitments - Sheffield
Dementia News! Newsletter
Dementia News is a newsletter produced and delivered by Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance working in partnership with Age UK Sheffield and Sheffield City Council. It exists for people who work within dementia care and support, such as volunteers, professionals and other services who wish to keep up to date on all things related to dementia care provisions and services in the city.