Volunteers' Week 2019

Some of our wonderful volunteers at our recent Volunteer Celebration Brunch
Volunteers’ Week 2019
It’s Volunteers’ Week this week! A fantastic opportunity to say a massive thank you to the amazing volunteers that help us to support older people across Sheffield!
We simply couldn’t do what we do without the 70-80 volunteers that are helping us to help the people of Sheffield. Our volunteer roles are as wonderful and diverse as the volunteers themselves and they help us in so many ways. Whether their role involves supporting activities in our wonderful Wellbeing Centre, providing fantastic fundraising support at community events, being a friendly face as part of our In Touch befriending service or teaching valuable IT skills; our Age UK Sheffield volunteers are incredibly committed and compassionate people and our charity simply wouldn’t be the same without them!
So, here’s to them! Thank you for all that you do, it means the world to us and the people that you help us to support.
In honour of Volunteer Week this year, we caught up with three of our volunteers to find out a little more about themselves, their role and what volunteering means to them. We hope you enjoy reading about their experiences and maybe they’ll even inspire you to give volunteering a go for yourself! Click on the pictures below to find out more about our fab volunteers; Ben, Sarita and Sue.
Meet our Volunteers
Read Ben's Interview
Ben is a Volunteer Support Worker, Volunteer Befriender and a Volunteer Dementia Café worker.
Read Sarita's Interview
Sarita Kumari volunteers as a Yoga Instructor, a Befriender & she was one of our Half Marathon Marshals.
Read Sue's Interview
Sue Wigmore-Smith volunteers as a Befriender. click the image to read more about her role.
Are you interested in volunteering too?
If you're feeling inspired and would like to know more about volunteering with Age UK Sheffield and all of the options available, please visit our volunteering page.