
We do some amazing work with over-50s throughout Sheffield thanks to the fantastic support of volunteers like you.
Find out about our wide range of volunteer roles that all help your local community, provide new experiences, and involve meeting wonderful new people.
We have a variety of roles, depending on your location, availability interests, and the time you wish to spend volunteering.
If you are interested in volunteering, we'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions or need any further details at all, contact our team at volunteering@ageuksheffield.org.uk or call us on (0114) 250 2850.
To apply for any of the roles, download the application form at the bottom of this page. Fill it in and return it to us as instructed on the form and then we will get in touch with you directly. If you'd like to volunteer but don't feel that any of the roles below suit you, you're still welcome to contact our team and we can discuss it with you!
Welcoming Places Volunteer
Age UK Sheffield’s Gathering Ground has a hub of three buildings in Hillsborough Park: The Coach Shed (currently housing Depot Bakery) The Bradbury Makers’ Shed and The Pavilion. The Pavilion is a great space with a dedicated Welcoming Place in the foyer, to be used freely and happily by anyone who wishes to. People can enjoy playing a board game, reading a book, having a chat or sit. Coffee and tea are provided free of charge and the space will be maintained at a comfortable temperature, especially during the winter months.
Being a volunteer may involve:
- Welcoming people into the space and explaining its purpose
- Offering refreshments
- Offer to listen and chat, when appropriate
- Playing boardgames/cards
- Provide basic information on our spaces and what we do, as well as signposting to appropriate people for more comprehensive enquiries
In quieter times volunteers might be able to sit, read or study without interruption. You would never be the only person in the building as staff, volunteers and clients are always present. There are even options to volunteer with a friend to ensure you have company right alongside you.
Gathering Ground Hillsborough Park (S6)
Weekdays between 10 am and 4 pm
Networking Volunteer (SDAA)
Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance is a network that is working to establish Sheffield as a dementia-friendly city in partnership with Age UK Sheffield.
As an alliance, we are a group of organisations that are taking action as we want to do more for people affected by dementia. We help members by giving free support, resources and guidance as we believe everybody can make a difference. More information can be found here: Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance.
Being a SDAA volunteer involves:
- Spreading the word about SDAA through social media and leaflet distribution
- Support with producing a welcome pack, other resources and materials for members of the alliance
- Engaging with organisations about SDAA and what we do
Emailing organisations on behalf of the SDAA
Flexible, City-Wide
Dementia Cafe Volunteers
We currently have two dementia cafes: Dore and Bents Green. These are welcoming and non-challenging environments where people living with dementia and their carers come to chat, drink tea, and interact in a small activity if they choose to. These can include singing, crafts, doing a jigsaw, and much more. Being a volunteer can involve welcoming and taking coats, making hot drinks, preparing snacks, supporting/engaging with the activities and being supportive and sociable.
1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month in Dore (S17)
1st and 3rd Thursday of the month in Bents Green (S11)
In Touch/Befriending Volunteer
This role involves making regular contact with an older person who feels lonely or isolated. It can be in person, via telephone or by letter. Volunteers also encourage customers to become more independent inside and outside of the home with regard to activities, appointments and domestic lifestyles. This will reduce social isolation, promote independence, improve self-confidence, and enable older people to take control of how they manage their physical and mental wellbeing. This is designed so that they can age well and live healthier for longer. Volunteers are matched based on location, interests and needs.
Flexible, city-wide.
Dementia Wellbeing Centre Volunteer
Our Dementia Wellbeing Centres provide a full day of activities and support based on a Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy approach which is proven to delay the onset of dementia symptoms. We believe that memory loss shouldn't be a barrier to fun, friendship and stimulation of the mind. We're passionate about creating a safe, loving, welcoming environment for our customers. By providing a strong support network, families can also feel valued and better equipped to deal with the challenges they may face on a day to day basis. The Centres are run by staff and volunteers together.
Being a volunteer may involve:
- Meeting and greeting customers
- Providing hot drinks and snacks
- Chatting with and supporting customers
- Helping to organise and run activities such as arts and crafts, music, singing, games, jigsaws, photography, baking, and much more
Monday to Friday in Norfolk Park
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in Hillsborough Park
Monday at Clifford House
Friday at Botanical Gardens
Charity Shops Volunteer
We currently have three Age UK Sheffield shops: Broomhill, Bradway, Abbeydale Road, and Banner Cross. Each is run by a small team of volunteers and members of staff. The shop environment is welcoming and volunteers have the opportunity to do a range of roles. Front-of-house support with helping customers, operating the till, processing Gift Aid donations, and tidying and organising displays in the windows. Back-of-house volunteers help with steaming, sorting, and preparing donations and stock management.
Monday to Saturday in Broomhill (S10), Bradway (S17), Abbeydale Road (S7) or Banner Cross (S11).
Raising funds from the community can be very rewarding and enjoyable. Volunteer fundraisers play a vital part in helping to ensure Age UK Sheffield can provide services for hundreds of older people in Sheffield who face later life alone. There's so much more to fundraising than just holding a bucket - in fact, there is no limit to the imaginative ways in which you can raise money.
It can also involve:
- Organising fundraising events
- Undertaking collections
- Attending and supporting our fundraising events
- Helping to promote our work
- Taking on a challenge
- Encouraging others to fundraise or volunteer with us
Flexible, city-wide.
Digital Champion Volunteer
Helping older people with their technology is key today with a focus on communication and administration going digital. We offer a unique service to our older customers, offering advice and support on a wide range of digital topics or issues.
Being a digital volunteer can involve:
- Software/hardware issues and support e.g setting up Zoom
- Using an email address
- Creating or advising on password ideas
- Downloading pictures
- Updating anti-virus software
- Installing or reinstalling an application
- Shopping online
- Adding numbers to contacts on a mobile phone
- Advising on laptops or other devices
Flexible, city-wide for 1:1 home visits.
Central Library 1st and 3rd Friday of the month 11 am - 1 pm.
Corporate Volunteers
There are plenty of activities that a group or business can take part in that would be both fun and of enormous help to us! If you think you could help, please do get in touch with us and let us know. We can help you in your quest to support our charity!
We are looking for volunteers to support our administration and HR services, with a wide variety of tasks, which might include:
- Filing gift aid forms, updating digital records
- Office health and safety checks
- Preparing the duty rota for the following week
- Keeping the stationary cabinet tidy, flagging if supplies are running low
- Collecting orders from the Amazon locker
- Getting keys cut
- Filing retail paperwork
- Franking the post
Depending on your interests and experience, there is scope for other tasks.
When/Where? Weekdays between 9 am and 4 pm; Head Office in Sheffield City Centre (S1)
Business Admin / Office Support Volunteer
We are looking for volunteers to support our administration and HR services, with a wide variety of tasks, which might include:
- Filing gift aid forms, updating digital records
- Office health and safety checks
- Preparing the duty rota for the following week
- Keeping the stationary cabinet tidy, flagging if supplies are running low
- Collecting orders from the Amazon locker
- Getting keys cut
- Filing retail paperwork
- Franking the post
Depending on your interests and experience, there is scope for other tasks.
Information and Advice Volunteer
The Information & Advice (I&A) service provides free, confidential & quality accredited advice and information to older people, on matters such as welfare benefits, housing & social care.
This role is primarily to support the I&A service to help older people claim benefits they might be eligible for (e.g. Pension Credit).
Volunteer application form
Please download and complete the application form. Then return it to us via email or post. If you need support accessing the form please email us volunteering@ageuksheffield.org.uk
Volunteers in 2023
Two of our amazing volunteers answer some questions about their volunteer journey so far.
Volunteer Interviews
Interested in finding out more about what volunteering for Age UK Sheffield is like? Check out some of our recent interviews with three of our volunteers as part of Volunteer Week 2019