
We have a variety of resources to support professionals who work with people living with dementia and their families, friends and carers. From our own expert written blogs, and resources created to support your work after accessing our training sessions, to third party research and resources as well as Sheffield specific service information. Please use the headings below to access our available resources. If you're keen to stay in the loop and receive updates about new resources, please sign up to the Dementia News newsletter, by clicking here.
Resources for Care Homes
Please click here to view our Care Home resouces section for activites.
Covid-19 Specific Resources
Our Covid-19 Specific Resources can all be found on our Corona Virus Page. Click here to view.
Resources related to the topic of language and behaviour
The below suggested reading/resource links have been taken from our blog on this topic which you can access and download here.
Language Around Dementia Guide:
A guide from the Alzheimer’s society. Click here to access the link
Language you should and shouldn’t use:
A guide from DEEP, which is an involvement and empowerment group made up of people living with dementia about what language you should and should not use when talking to or about somebody living with dementia. Click here to access the link
Impacts of negative language research:
A research article in The Lancet journal about how negative language can disable people living with dementia more than the disease itself. Click here to access the link.
101 Reasons:
Reasons which might help to explain the way people with dementia express their needs, commonly mislabelled as ‘challenging behaviour’. Click here to access the link.
Personal Insight and experience of the stigmatising impact of words:
Kate Swaffer lives with early onset dementia and blogs about her experiences. Here she talks about how our language can stigmatise and marginalise people living with dementia. Click here to access the link.
Eating and Drinking Well
Advice on how to increase food and fluid intake for people living with dementia:
Bournemouth University research team has developed a leaflet in collaboration with the Wessex Academic Health Science Network. It provides advice on how to increase food and fluid intake for people living with dementia.
Click here to view the leaflet as a PDF.
Eating and Drinking Well with Dementia: A Guide for Family Carers & Friends:
This guide has been developed to provide some helpful advice and tips on how to increase food and drink intake for those living with dementia. Here is a link to the guide in PDF format.
Please click here to access the corresponding work book with the above piece of work.
Dignified Dining Toolkit:
The Dignified Dining toolkit outlines our approach to providing nutritional care to
people who are living with dementia. It outlines our 10 nutritional care guidelines which will be rolled out throughout our healthcare business. It also provides guidance around menus and menu planning, food service and the environment in which food should be served. There are also a number of tools included that can be used to support the nutritional care of people living with dementia. Please click here to access the full toolkit in PDF form.
Dementia and Nutrition Resources and Advice
Collated by Nigel Lamb – Health & Wellbeing Worker, Manor & Castle Development Trust Ltd. October 2020. Click here to view.
Resources for Administering Medicine
Top tips when giving the flu jab to people with dementia
Simply click one fo the two optons belwo to download the top tips.
Top Tips for Giving a Jab to a person living with dementia
Guide to writing dementia-friendly information
The Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP) have a helpful guide to writing dementia-friendly information. The guide itself has been co-produced with people living with dementia. It gives advice on language, style and layout. Here is the link
Dementia Inclusive Indoor and Outdoor Spaces
Audit Checklist: Is this INSIDE public space dementia-inclusive:
Is this INSIDE public space dementia-inclusive?
A checklist for use by dementia groups
Click here to download the guide
Audit Checklist: Is this OUTSIDE public space dementia-inclusive:
Is this OUTSIDE public space dementia-inclusive?
A checklist for use by dementia groups
Click here to download the guide
Tide, resources for carers
tide (together in dementia everyday) is a UK wide involvement network of carers/former carers and health and care professionals who are working together to build a better future for carers of people living with dementia.
Here's an information sheet detailing Tide's carer development programmes, Zoom coffee mornings and groups and more. Click here to download the Tide info sheet. (uploaded and correct as of 07.12.2020
What are other places doing to be dementia friendly
Organisations across the UK and abroad are making changes to ensure they are able to provide a positive experience for people living dementia and their carers. Here are some examples of different organisations that are taking steps to empower and support people living with dementia.
SDAA Book Club
Books, podcasts, articles, blogs, TV shows and films can help us understand the world from someone else’s perspective. They can be powerful in showing what someone with dementia might be experiencing. We have made some recommendations below of some of our favourites that you might want to share with your colleagues, volunteers or members. They help give an insight into different people’s experience of living with or caring for someone with dementia.
Communicating with a customer with dementia
If you work in a customer-serving role, the chances are you will support customers who live with dementia. Dementia affects everyone differently so it’s important to know that you may have to communicate in different ways to suit each individual. Keep in mind that that as well as difficulties in how people with dementia use words and language, they may have hearing and sight problems, which can also make it harder to communicate. Below are some tips and advice, to help you give a positive experience.