Sheffield Half Marathon - Fundraise for Age UK Sheffield

We need runners and volunteers to attend the Sheffield Half Marathon on behalf of Age UK Sheffield!
The event:
Sheffield Half Marathon is on 7th April 2024 - thousands of runners, of all abilities will be taking part. The route starts and finishes in the city centre - and the route will take you through the beautiful spring views of the Peak District. It is an event which makes Yorkshire proud.
More information about the route here.
Get involve and make a difference!
Age UK Sheffield are a local, independent Sheffield charity working for a city where no older person lives in loneliness or poverty. You can read more about the invaluable work your fundraising will be supporting here.
A) If you are up for running...
You can run for free by fundraising for Age UK Sheffield!
If you register to run the Sheffield Half Marathon on behalf of Age UK Sheffield, it means you can run for free (usually, you would have to pay an entrance fee). All we ask is that runners will commit to fundraising for us!
We know that if you are an employee of Sky Sheffield, they will also match-fund your fundraising efforts - so everything you fundraise will be doubled to support reaching our targets and beyond!
> Sign up here and fill in the form to run on behalf of Age UK Sheffield. Submit by March 10th. It takes 5 minutes.
B) If you are not a fan of running but want to make a difference, you can volunteer in our route marshall team for the event!
We are looking for a team of volunteer route marshalls to help out on behalf of Age UK Sheffield at the event.
No expertise needed - you will be briefed by Run For All staff, you must be 18+ and enjoy cheering people on!
We need 15 people so please share with people interested. You do not have to be an employee of Age UK Sheffield to be able to volunteer on behalf of Age UK Sheffield. So feel free to share this information page with friends and family who are interested in volunteering - we really need as many people as possible.
- Volunteers will be sent information on their allocated role at least 10 days prior to the event.
- Volunteers will meet at Sheffield Tigers RUFC at 8am and will be needed until 12.30pm at the latest (this is the timings for Age UK Sheffield/Sky volunteers - the general forms may say different but 8am - 12.30pm are our times).
> Sign up to volunteer in our route marshall team here. Submit by 10th March.
Other questions:
What if I am already registered, but now want to run on behalf of Age UK Sheffield?
Please get in touch with us!
How does the fundraising work?
We recommend using the Enthuse website (it's like a Just Giving page) - it is automatically connected to Age UK Sheffield and you can share your page on social media to encourage friends and family to support.
If you are using a different method, please indicate this on your registration form.
Need support or have any other questions?
Just contact us and we will be happy to help: [subject line as Half Marathon] or call us on 0114 250 2850