Our mission is for there to be no older person in Sheffield living in poverty or loneliness.
But right now almost 24,000 Sheffielders aged 65 or over are living in poverty and 12,000 older people in the city are always or often lonely.
Can you help us to do something about that?
£10 could help us to answer a call to our information and advice line from a vulnerable older person who needs a benefits check
£45 could fund a day of respite support and activities for an older person living with memory loss at our Wellbeing Centre
£280 could provide three months of Independent Living support in the community helping an older person continue to live happily in their own home
Donate online now
The easiest way to donate to us is to click here.
Donate by cheque
Write a cheque to "Age UK Sheffield" and send it to us at: First Floor, South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue, 197 Eyre Street, Sheffield, S1 3FG.
Donate in person
Simply bring your donation in to us at: First Floor, South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue, 197 Eyre Street, Sheffield, S1 3FG.
Leave us a legacy in your will
For more information, please visit our Leave a Legacy page by clicking here.