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People Keeping Well Timetable – Updated February 2025

You can download this timetable by scrolling to the bottom of the page

Please get in touch with the primary contact/group leader to check if the session is running.


Please check with the primary contact to see if the session is running.




Primary Contact

Bents Green Rosemary Memory Café (dementia targeted):

 a welcoming social space for people living with dementia.

Bents Green Methodist Church, Ringinglow Road, S11 7PU -

Thursdays -
  1st and 3rd Thursday of the month

Kathryn Stones


Tel. 07825 597948

Calmly Create:

 the main objective of the sessions is for patients who may be experiencing stress, anxiety, loneliness to create something crafty in a warm, calm and welcoming environment.

Fulwood Old Chapel School Room, 8 Whiteley Lane, S10 4GL -Wednesday (monthly).

This group is only for patients of surgeries within the Porter Valley Primary Care network: Greystones, Falkland Road, Rustlings Road, The Hollies, Nethergreen, Carterknowle and Dore.

To sign up and to get more information please speak to the reception staff at your surgery.


South Yorkshire Chaplaincy and Listening Service

07903 899751

Carers’ activities:

Sheffield Carers Centre runs a range of regular activities to support carers.

Various venues

Sheffield Carers Centre -

 0114 278 8362

Carer Activities | Sheffield Carers Centre

Coffee and Exercise Classes

Variety of gentle exercise sessions, mainly chair-based, combined with refreshments.

All weekly.


CWS also offer a range of exercise classes at their gym at
863 Ecclesall Road, including a Parkinson’s Gym Class.

      Bradway Community Hall - Monday 10.30 -11.30am

      Fulwood Old Chapel -
Monday 10 - 11am

      Dore and Totley United Reformed Church -
Monday 1.30 - 2.30pm

      Crosspool Scout Hut, Benty Lane
Tuesday 10.45 - 11.45am   

      Westminster TARA,
53 Westminster Crescent
Wednesday 10.30 - 11.30am

      Totley Library/CRIC -
Thursday 12 - 1pm

      St Peter/St Oswald’s Abbeydale Road - Friday 10.30 - 11.30am

Community Wellness Services  (CWS)

 0114 553 7807

Creative Writing Group -


Ecclesall Library

  1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 10.15 - 11.45

Kim Stephenson

Creative Writing Group -


Totley Library

  2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 1.15 - 2.45pm

Kim Stephenson

Crosspool Memory Café:

a welcoming space for people living alone, people with memory issues and their supporters

St Columba’s Church,
 503 Manchester Road S10 5PL

 4th Wednesday of the month -
  26th February & 26th March 2025

St Columba’s Crosspool

0114 267 0006


Dance to Health Sheffield:

 gentle dance classes for all

St Augustine’s Church, Endcliffe-

 multiple days of the week

Charlotte Bridle

07942 276312

Dore and Totley Rosemary Memory Café (dementia targeted)

- a welcoming social space for people living with dementia.

Dore Methodist Church Hall –

Tuesdays -
  1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month

Kathryn Stones


Tel. 07825 597948

Dore Welcoming Space -

meet others and have fun.

Refreshments provided.

Dore Methodist Church Hall -

Wednesday (weekly)

10.30am to 1pm.

No booking requirement,
just drop in:

Welcoming Space - Dore Church

Feel Good Floristry -

-       keep your brain boosted, get creative and have fun!

Nethergreen Methodist Church

Wednesday (monthly)  3 - 5pm

 Feb 26th; March 9th; April 16th

Booking essential:

Lucy Ashton

Fulwood coffee and games morning: dementia friendly:

- a welcoming social space for people living with dementia.

Fulwood Scout Hut, Fulwood Rd -

(2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month)

Kathryn Stones


Tel. 07825 597948

Get to Grips with your Computer and Smart Phone

   drop-in classes

Ecclesall Library -

  Fridays (weekly) 10.30 - 12.30

  No booking needed, just turn up.

Paul May,
   MECK Community Group

  0114 236 9333

Millhouses, Ecclesall and Carter Knowle Community Group:

Social group -
  refreshments, games and chat.  

The Robin Hood Pub,

  Millhouses Lane -

- Mondays (weekly), 3 - 5pm

Paul May –

0114 236 9333

Reminisce and Revive:

a Zoom group where we share stories and poems we have written as well as favourite pieces of writing, including favourite films and TV programmes.


Zoom - Monday (fortnightly)

Anne Grange:


07815 966784

Singing Teapot Choir - weekly singing group for all abilities.

From January - July 2025, working with pupils of Totley All Saints School towards a July performance.

Dore and Totley United Reformed Church -

Tuesday (weekly), 10.30am; cuppas from 10am.

Monthly rehearsals at TAS 3.30pm.

Yo Tozer Loft -

call/text 07925 634420

South West Friendship Lunches:

book onto one of our local friendship lunches and enjoy great food and entertainment.

Crosspool Tavern, Crosspool -  
 monthly, 2nd Monday

The Ball Inn, Crookes -
 monthly, 1st Tuesday

Three Merry Lads, Lodge Moor  -
 dates to be confirmed

Sportsman, Crosspool
57 Benty Lane, monthly, 3rd Friday

Crosspool Tavern
0114 266 2113

The Ball Inn
0114 266 1211

Three Merry Lads
0114 327 2700

0114 268 8011

Sporting Chatter /
Sporting Chatter films:

A social group who come together to discuss all things sport.

Dore and Totley United Reformed Church -

First and third Fridays

(except April: -meetings on 4th & 11th)

Mike Pettitt
T: 0750 306 0990

or alternatively

Richard Pitts
Tel: 0773 970 0567

Table Tennis

Bradway Community Hall -

Thursday and Friday (weekly)

Contact Jan for times.

Jan – 07787 954842

         0114 418 6463

Totley Library Cinema

Totley Library/CRIC -

  - monthly on Thursdays

Totley Library

 0114 236 3971

Totley Natter Coffee Morning:

 a welcoming space to meet new people and enjoy cakes and coffee.

Totley Library/CRIC -

 Thursday (weekly)

Totley All Saints Church -

0114 236 7627

Totley Rise Welcoming Places Coffee Morning

   - free coffee and biscuits

Totley Rise Methodist Church,
  1 Grove Road, Totley S17 4DJ

  Tuesdays  10am - 12pm

Collette Duke

Well with Nature

Coffee, nature wellbeing chat and mindfulness.

Cross Scythes Pub, Totley,

Mondays 11 am-12:30 pm

Phone to book a place.

Caroline Cook-

07583 551705 

Welcome Places Timetable:

- warm welcomes at a wide range community venues.

Various venues across

    South West Sheffield

Welcome Places weekly timetable -
 follow the link on this page:

   Welcome Places

Activity Guide

Click the pink button for the activities timetable.