Making an Impact - Annual Report 2022-23
Published on 23 January 2024 05:55 PM

Last year, Age UK Sheffield colleagues supported older people to increase their income by £2,079,969 - through benefit checks - in the first year of claiming. Our Annual Report details how our range of activities are supporting Age UK Sheffield's mission to tackle poverty and loneliness experienced by older people in Sheffield.
Full Report
A snapshot of the report can be read below. However, if you want to read the full report - click on the button to the right.
Our Aims & Objectives
- Ending poverty – through the continued provision of our successful Information and Advice and Independent Living Co-ordination services.
- Ending loneliness – by developing the activity programme at our Hillsborough site [Gathering Ground], and by seeking to raise additional funds to expand the capacity of our In Touch volunteer befriending service.
- Making sure your voices are heard - supporting initiatives to increase the voice and representation of older people in developing local public policy.
- Diversifying our funding - continuing to increase our retail, trading, and fundraising income, and diversifying our funding sources, to expand the availability of funding to support charitable activities.
We support holistically - here is our wide range of activities and services we provide...

Demand for our services are increasing - our teams are working hard to support more Sheffield people than ever. In one year, we have seen a 42% increase in demand for supporting low-income older people claim the benefits they are entitled to.
⇒Easing the Cost of Living
Runaway inflation and escalating energy prices dominated the year for us all. We've been helping people across Sheffield to claim benefits they are entitled to and be warm at home.
Like Bill, aged 58, who had been forced to give up work due to multiple sclerosis. He was also living with lung cancer and had experienced several falls. He hadn’t been able to plan or save for his enforced retirement and he had no savings to fall back on. Through our Independent Living Co-ordination service, we supported Bill to apply for the severe disability premium, resulting in an annual increase of £3,445, plus a back payment of almost £10,000.
“Age UK Sheffield has been simply amazing and the things you have done for me have changed my life. I’ve gone from constantly worrying about money to being able to buy the things I need.” - Bill
⇒Connecting Customers to Community
As well as providing our own Wellbeing Centres, Rosemary Cafe and other community activities, we have connected our customers to over 1,200 wider local projects and resources across the city to help older people do something they enjoy! Some can be seen below:

⇒Listening to You; Creating Solutions
At Age UK Sheffield, our work aligns to our values of Trust, Care and Choice.
We listen to and support customers as individuals.
For example, Fatima, aged 92, was referred to us by her GP. She was feeling isolated and depressed after the unexpected death of her son - and she had also lost contact with neighbours. Whilst she can read and understand English, her first language is Urdu.
Our Urdu-speaking Independent Living Co-ordinator provided a wide range of support to Fatima, with the most valuable being the loan of an iPad provided through Age UK’s “We Are Undefeatable” project.
We supported Fatima to get online, find YouTube videos in Urdu, and do her online shopping. Best of all, she could get back in touch with her overseas relatives.
"You have given me some independence
back; I am so grateful for the iPad, I Facetimed my family abroad and saw them after so many years. It felt like I actually visited them; this made me so happy." - Fatima
⇒Wellbeing Centres across Sheffield
In April 2022, we expanded our range of Wellbeing Centres. We now have Wellbeing Centres in park-based locations across the city including:
- Gathering Ground, Hillsborough Park
- Botanical Gardens
- Norfolk Park
Our Wellbeing Centres welcome all but they also specialise in Dementia support. For example, 84-year-old Derek, a former director in the steel industry was referred to our Norfolk Park centre when his wife, Janet, needed some more respite. Derek was soon participating in all the activities and conversations, singing, playing music, and dancing. He loves to paint and read. When our Wellbeing Centres extended into the Botanical Gardens, Derek moved with them.
Janet used to need stress-related medication but now says: “The support I get from Derek attending the Wellbeing Centre gives me something to look forward to – a wonderful few hours of respite. Now I can meet someone for coffee or even lunch!"
⇒Make a Difference - Become a Befriender
Age UK Sheffield co-ordinates an In Touch Befriending service. Over 100 older people are currently matched with a Befriender volunteer.
For example, our volunteer, George, visits and has a cuppa with Beatrice in her 90s. Beatrice rarely leaves her flat due to her limited mobility and poor hearing. George visits her weekly and says he has found “a new friend, access to a wealth of stories, and a bright picture of old age.” George has recently retired and says Age UK Sheffield gave him practical support and weekly encouragement in his volunteering role.
We are always seeking volunteers. If you are interested in making a difference to Sheffield, we'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions or need any further details at all, contact our team at or call us on 0114 250 2850.